Have you ever met someone who just leaves you feeling wiped out after talking to them? The kind of person who takes everything you’ve got without giving anything in return. We’ve all dealt with those energy vampires before – people who are just so draining to be around.
What Are Energy Vampires?
Energy vampires are toxic people who drain your emotional and mental energy. They sap your motivation and enthusiasm, leaving you feeling depleted.
The worst part is that energy vampires aren’t always strangers – they can be people very close to you, like neighbors, good friends, family members, or even your partner. You think the people you’re closest with would build you up, but sometimes, it’s those relationships that end up being the most draining.
Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes, too. But no matter what they look like on the outside, they all have one thing in common on the inside – they leave you feeling like you just got attacked by an actual vampire! Well, assuming vampires are even real, of course.
Typically, you’ll catch yourself yawning a lot when you’re around them. It’s like they just drain all your energy without even trying. And it’s not just yawning, you’ll start feeling exhausted after hanging with an energy vampire. A lot of times, people even get headaches or feel sick to their stomach. Again, all because that vampire took what little life you had left in you.
5 Types of Energy Vampires To Watch Out For
Energy vampires come in all shapes and sizes, but there are five main types you need to be aware of.
The Constant Complainer
This person does nothing but whine and moan about everything in their life. Listening to their endless complaints and negativity can zap your energy and motivation. We all have our moments where we need to vent or get something off our chest. That’s natural and what friends are for. But some people just take it to another level.
All they do is find things to be negative about. Every little thing is a problem, and they won’t stop going on and on about it. After a while, it starts wearing on you mentally. You start feeling drained and unmotivated because you’re absorbing all their bad vibes. And it’s not like their complaining ever solves anything or makes them feel better long-term.
Sure, it’s important to be supportive of friends, but you also have to take care of your own energy levels. If someone just sucks the life out of you every time you hang out due to their chronic negativity, you may need to limit how much time you spend together. Or if it’s really bad, maybe even take a step back altogether for a while. Complaining is fine in moderation, but some people take it to an extreme.
The Drama Magnet
Some people seem to attract crises and drama like a moth to a flame. If you have a friend who always has some disastrous issue they need to vent about, their histrionics can drain you. You start dreading getting a call or text from them because you know it just has to be more of the same.
I’ve found the best thing to do is to gently but clearly set some boundaries. The next time drama magnet comes at you with their latest catastrophe, you’ve gotta politely but firmly tell them that you just can’t handle discussing it right now. Make it clear you need to limit how much venting you take on from them. It’s not that you don’t care, you just can’t keep letting their issues drain all your energy.
The Spotlight Seeker
This energy vampire has to be the center of attention at all times. Conversations always come back to them, and they constantly steer discussions to focus on their life, needs, and interests.
No matter what you’re talking about, they somehow always manage to turn it back around to being about them. You could be discussing the weather, and five minutes later, you’re listening to a play-by-play of their last vacation.
Try not to encourage that type of selfish behavior. Usually, if you just keep answers short and change the subject, they’ll get the hint that no one’s really interested in only hearing about themselves. It’s tough, though, because you also don’t want to be rude.
The Manipulator
Manipulators are skilled at getting what they want from others to serve their own ends. They’ll butter you up with compliments or make you feel guilty for saying no. Another tactic energy vampires typically use is playing the victim – making you think you have to help them because they’re suffering in some way.
Manipulators aren’t concerned with other people’s feelings, only what they can get out of them. If you let someone manipulate you, it can really drain your energy. Before you know it, you’ve done a bunch of things you didn’t really want to do just to avoid upsetting the manipulator.
The Pessimist
While being optimistic isn’t for everyone, the pessimist’s glass isn’t just half empty, it’s bone dry. Their doom and gloom outlook and constant negativity drags you down and drains your motivation and positivity. There’s only one thing you can do – limit exposure to pessimists when you can, and try not to engage in their negative narratives.
Your Energy Is Precious
Keep an eye out for those types and set some clear boundaries so you can protect your positivity and zest for life. Once you get those toxic people out of your orbit, you’ll feel so much more in control and energized. Your time is way too valuable to waste it hanging around vampires – real or not.