Despite having more comforts and options than ever, humans are remarkably unhappy. We have a more developed understanding of the human brain and mind than in previous eras, yet higher rates of depression and anxiety. We have an advanced understanding of medicine and physical health, yet people are less healthy than they’ve ever been. Our awareness of the innate spiritual needs of humans is more complete than ever before, yet most people are feeling disconnected from the world and themselves. The following will explore how these ideas are interrelated and examine a few secrets that can help you cultivate more happiness in your life.
Spiritual Health: Gratitude Cultivates Wellbeing
If there’s only one thing you decide to do to improve your health and wellbeing, it should be practicing gratitude. This can be as small as thinking about three things you’re thankful for before you go to bed at night or as in-depth as a consistent journaling practice that you complete every day. All the studies show that the more you look for things to be grateful for, the more you’ll realize there are actually a lot of wonderful things in your life, and the happier you’ll be. At first, you might feel a little silly, or you might struggle to think of new things to be thankful for, but as you develop this habit, you’ll be shocked by how much extra joy you feel on a daily basis.
Mental Health: Educate Yourself
It’s a sad truth that it takes a long time for new discoveries and scientific advancements to make their way into popular culture. This means that quite often, “common sense” is about twenty years behind the latest healthcare developments. Keep yourself up to date on the latest discoveries by critically reading a trusted source of Health and Wellness Articles that will guide you to a healthier life. Focusing on the whole spectrum of health, including your mental wellbeing, spiritual health, and physical health is important during this research, (you’ll also find that these categories overlap often). Sometimes something simple like adding more turmeric into your diet can radically improve your experience of life, and new developments are happening all the time in the fields of health and wellness.

Emotional Health: Become Trauma-Informed
The concept of trauma is one that is not fully understood by the vast majority of people. Basically, any time a person experiences something negative that they are unable to bring to an end, this causes trauma because their only possible reaction is to retreat within themselves or disassociate. Suffering that someone can bring to an end (like having sore arms from practicing a musical instrument) doesn’t cause trauma because you can simply stop when you want to. This means that many things cause trauma besides the obvious. Something like restraining a child who is trying to run and play can cause a trauma response. Children have so little control over their lives that almost everyone has trauma responses. When you become trauma-informed, you are better able to understand your own reactions and behaviors and make alterations to behaviors that are harmful to your health, happiness, or relationships. This understanding can help you heal from things and let go of feelings of guilt, shame, anger, bitterness, or sorrow.
Physical Health: Find Your Foods
It’s no secret that our diets are a work in progress. Conventional food preparation has brought on a myriad of health struggles and chronic illnesses. Seek out healthy foods that you enjoy eating so they won’t feel like a chore. You can use any number of search criteria to do this. Maybe you want foods that are anti-inflammatory to help with chronic pain or other illnesses; maybe you want to find Foods That Make You Taller; not only will these foods help with your physical health, but many have impacts on your mental health as well. Figure out what healthy foods appeal to you and incorporate them into your diet in the whole form. This means you don’t eat a granola bar filled with almonds, but a handful of almonds. Try to eat the food in its natural form to ensure you’re getting all the components that contribute to good health.

Mental Health: Focus On Small Changes
Sticking with the topic of physical health for a moment, there are tons of little tweaks you can make to your daily life that can have a big impact on your body and wellness. Find ways to include superfoods in your diet. They often have some pretty spectacular bonuses too. Take, for instance, the mental and physical benefits of cinnamon as well as Cinnamon Benefits For Skin And Hair. When you step away from the computer to use the washroom or grab a coffee, stretch a little bit to keep your blood flowing. Walk places when you can. Little things really do add up, and far too often, people think they need to make drastic, mountainous changes if they want to get healthy. In reality, smaller things done consistently are far more valuable than extreme measures taken for two weeks.
Spiritual Health: Volunteer, Donate, Or Do Charity Work
Above, the idea of trauma being the root cause of a lot of suffering was discussed. Another major component in the modern era’s explosion of unhappiness is the lack of meaning. It’s hard to feel excited about your day when you aren’t doing things you would consider meaningful. One of the fastest ways to cultivate a sense of meaning in your life is to do something good for someone else. This can be as simple as giving a friend, a stranger, or a pet your care or attention. You can also volunteer or donate to a cause that you believe in. The world is filled with admirable charities that need extra help, and giving your time, money, blood, or old belongings to a cause is one of the fastest ways to feel happier right now. People who regularly volunteer or give what they can to those who need it consistently cite their lives as more meaningful and enjoyable.
The above information should have given you a few ideas of things you can do to improve your day-to-day happiness. Your mental health, physical health, and spiritual health are all components of an enjoyable life filled with joy and contentment. Of course, these are only jumping-off points. There are plenty of things not mentioned on this list that can help contribute to happiness and wellness, like spending time in nature, cultivating relationships and friendships, meditating, cleaning your home, working on authentically expressing yourself, and finding a creative outlet. Find the things that work for you and leave the others alone. You can also ask cheerful people if there is something they attribute their enjoyment of life to; you’ll be surprised how simple and profound many people’s answers are.