Eggs are a very versatile product. They can be used for baking, frying, scrambling, and more. This makes eggs an excellent addition to almost any meal plan. Eggs are also a source of protein and vitamins like A and D. However, it’s important to know how to check if eggs have gone bad so that you don’t risk getting sick from them.
There are several ways to check if eggs have gone bad but they can be difficult to identify as being spoiled. If you see any of the signs below, throw away the eggs right away!
Discolored Shell
Eggs come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes. The color of an eggshell isn’t a reliable way to tell if an egg is fresh or rotten as the eggshell color can vary based on the breed of hen that laid the egg, as well as other factors. However, it can help.
A spoiled egg may have a cracked shell or a loose or sunken shape. Fresh eggs have white, orangish, or brownish shells; any other color is a clear sign of spoilage. Some eggs may look fresh at first glance, so it is important to try the following identifying methods as well.
Bad Egg Smell
When eggs go bad, they often start to smell bad. If you notice an unusual egg smell coming from your eggs, they are probably spoiled. People often compare this smell to an old bag of leftovers that have been lying in the sun because it is a very strong and stomach-turning smell. The smell of a rotten egg is simply unmistakable and easy to detect.
Start by smelling the egg to see if it emits a bad odor. If so, put it in a separate container and discard it. If the smell isn’t so strong, place the egg in a bowl of water and leave it overnight. In the morning, check to see if the water has become cloudy or if the egg floats to the top of the bowl. If either of these things have occurred, the egg is bad and should be discarded.
Float in Water

How to tell whether an egg is rotten or bad is easy with the help of a simple test—float test. Just put your egg in water, if it floats, it means the egg is old and has gone bad. If your eggs sink to the bottom of the bowl, it means it is fresh and safe to use.
- A fresh egg will sink to the bottom of a bowl of water.
- A slightly spoilt egg will float at the surface of the water.
- A severely spoilt egg will float on its side at the surface of the water.
Dark or Black Ring Around the Yolk
This is one of the most distinctive signs of bad eggs. In fresh eggs, the yolk has a light yellow color. When bad eggs are broken open, a dark or black ring around the yolk is a clear sign of spoilage. This can also be seen in yolks that are a dark brown color. If you see this, the eggs are most likely bad and should be thrown out.
Runny Yolk and Slimy Egg White
If you break an egg open and the white is slimy or the yolk is runny, the egg is bad. The yolk and white of a fresh egg are firm and yellow. When bad eggs are broken open, the inside is often slimy, runny, and a different color than it should be. The yolk may be a dark color and the white may be a translucent or even yellow color. This is one of the clearest signs that an egg is bad and should be thrown away. Even if the egg doesn’t smell too bad, you’re better off throwing it away. This will save your health or the people you cook for.
Bottom Line
Eggs are a versatile and healthy food, but they can go bad like any other product. If you store them properly and keep an eye out for these signs, you can easily tell if eggs have gone bad. Some of these signs, like a bad smell or a black ring around the yolk, are easy to identify. Others, like a discolored shell, may be harder to spot. Be sure to check the eggs for any of these signs and throw them out if they are bad.