You’ve probably heard of Algol, the fixed star, at some point. Maybe a long time ago or recently, when Donald Trump was shot during the Uranus-Mars conjunction involving Algol.
The Demon’s Star
In astrological terms, Algol is considered one of the most powerful fixed stars. Located in the constellation Perseus, it’s associated with intense, disruptive, and sometimes damaging energies.
Algol is traditionally associated with the myth of Medusa, the Gorgon whose head Perseus, the hero, was tasked to slay. Medusa was once a beautiful woman, transformed into a monster with snakes for hair, whose gaze could turn people to stone. After slaying her, Perseus used her head as a weapon, turning his enemies to stone. That’s why Algol can signify “cutting” or “losing” your head.
Astrologers often view Algol as a symbol of passion, creativity, and transformation but also of potential violence, destruction, and loss. Its influence in a natal chart can indicate areas of life where you may face significant challenges or undergo profound changes.
If Algol is prominent with personal planets or important points in your birth chart, it can mean intense emotions or tough choices in those areas of life. However, Algol’s energy can also be used positively, though it is powerful.
Fun fact: Algol moves very slowly through the zodiac, about 1 degree every 72 years. This is extremely slow compared to planets. In 2024, Algol is located at around 26 degrees of Taurus.
Moon Conjunct Algol In The Natal Chart
Moon conjunt Algol creates a powerful and intense astrological aspect. This alignment brings together the emotional and intuitive energies of the Moon with the fixed star Algol’s transformative and potentially volatile nature.
People with this alignment in their birth chart tend to feel things very strongly, both the light and dark sides of life. They can be super empathetic but also get really affected by heavy or disturbing things too.
In the worst cases, this aspect could indicate some kind of violence involving their mother or emotional issues/abuse. But you need to consider the whole chart to get the full picture.
In the book “Stalice v astrologii” by the Czech astrologer Vladimir Sladecek written back in 1999, I found this: If the star Algol conjuncts someone’s Moon, it means he will be crippled from a young age. Specifically, the person would be sick more than healthy, especially as a child or teenager. The book also said that serial killers often have Moon conjunct Algol in their charts.
Emotional Intensity
Those with Moon conjunct Algol may find themselves drawn to topics that others see as taboo or experiences that bring intense emotions. I know it seems weird but some of the chilliest people I know, the ones with charts full of nice aspects, love watching crime shows or looking at graphic photos without flinching. That’s the influence of having the Moon touching Algol.
This placement can also mean you’re highly intuitive or even psychic. But it comes with the risk of big mood swings too. If you’re not careful with self-care, small things can send your emotions spiraling. But the upside is that you tend to have good instincts about danger.
Moon-Algol Conjunction In Synastry And Transits

Synastry Implications
When someone’s Moon aligns with another person’s Algol star, it can really amplify the connection between you two. This combination often means there are really strong feelings involved, and it has a way of bringing deep fears and insecurities out in the open.
The one with Algol might accidentally push emotional buttons for the Moon person without even realizing it. While this can be difficult to deal with in the moment, it also creates a chance for big personal growth. At the same time, this aspect runs the risk of turning into an unhealthy power dynamic or manipulation if you’re not careful.
Transit Effects
When the transiting Moon conjuncts natal Algol, it typically activates a brief but powerful period of emotional intensity. Your feelings that are buried deep down might surface, both the fears and things you usually push away. It’s a chance to let it all out and start to feel better.
However, since the moon moves really fast, this doesn’t last long. And we all have Algol in a similar spot, so most people won’t notice much change. It’s more something that whole generations experience lightly, if anything. That’s why I wouldn’t put too much stock in this transit.