Have you ever seen a Pisces truly lose their temper? I doubt it because they’re harder than a rock. Seeing them angry is a rarity, but just like a rock, tough on the outside. But if they do blow their top, watch out! Because under that calm exterior, there’s a right old storm brewing.
You know what they say – “still waters run deep.” And that’s Pisces to a T. All calm and collected normally, but make them angry, and they’ll erupt like a volcano. I’ve seen it myself a couple of times, so here is why Pisceans get angry and how they act when they do.
The Peaceful Nature of Pisces
Pisces are known for their kind, gentle spirit. They go with the flow and avoid confrontation at all costs. However, their tranquil nature can be quite deceiving. Beneath the surface lies a depth of intense emotions that, once provoked, can lead to scary outbursts of anger.
Their Sensitivity Makes Them Prone To Hurt Feelings
Pisces feel emotions on a deep level and take things very personally. A careless word or thoughtless action by someone else can cut them like a knife, leaving lasting wounds. Over time, these hurts build up and fester until even the smallest trigger causes them to explode in a fit of rage.
They Bottle Up Their Emotions Until They Overflow
Rather than expressing their feelings openly, Pisces tend to internalize them. They don’t want to rock the boat or cause trouble for others, so they swallow their anger and frustration. But there’s only so much they can take before they reach their breaking point. When they eventually erupt, watch out! All the pent-up emotions come pouring out in a torrent of scalding words and accusations they may later regret.
Their Imaginations Run Wild
Pisces have an active imagination and intuitive mind. While this serves them well in many areas of life, it can also be a source of distress when their anger is provoked. They may imagine all kinds of perceived slights and injustices that fuel their feelings of hurt and resentment. Their overactive imaginations can also lead them to blow situations out of proportion or misinterpret the intentions of others. By the time they realize their mistake, the damage may already be done.
Sometimes, Pisces can also get a bit lost in their own imaginations. They start picturing things that aren’t even real. But like they say, where you focus your thoughts is where your energy ends up. The more a Pisces bloke dreams something up, the more likely it is to actually happen to them. And then, when it does, they get all angry! Without realizing it, it was their own brain that made it come true in the first place!
Warning Signs A Pisces Is Losing Patience
When Pisces start losing their cool, you’ll definitely notice. Their patience will run out – normally, they’re very laid back, but if pushed too far, they’ll get irritable and snappy. Little things will start bothering them that never used to.
- They’ll withdraw and go quiet. As Pisces are so intuitive and emotional, when they’re upset they’ll turn inwards. They’ll stop talking and want to be alone to avoid blowing up. Give them space until they feel ready to chat.
- Their creativity and sense of humor will disappear. Naturally. Pisces are imaginative and playful, but when mad, that side leaves. They’ll become very serious, rigid, and cynical.
- Sometimes ,they may turn to unhealthy ways of coping. Upset Pisces can resort to things like drinking, drugs, or reckless spending to escape their feelings. They find intense emotions hard to deal with.
If you notice any of these signs, don’t approach your Pisces as normal. Instead of silly jokes, ask if they need help. And definitely don’t add more fuel to the fire.

When They Explode
Pisces may seem like a calm, collected sign, but deep within them lies an ocean of intense emotions. When Pisces gets truly mad, watch out. All the hurt, resentment, and toxicity they’ve been bottling up can erupt like a volcano.
Their Anger Is Deeply Personal
Pisces direct their anger at those closest to them, like family and friends, rather than strangers. They know your weaknesses and insecurities, and in a fit of rage, they may use them against you with a piercing accusation or hurtful insult. Their anger cuts deep, and the pain can last for a long time.
They Become Manipulative And Vengeful
The angrier Pisces gets, the more manipulative they become. They may try to turn others against you or damage your reputation through gossip and lies. Their desire for revenge and retribution knows no bounds. Pisces believes that if they’re hurting, everyone else should be hurt too. They can become consumed with making the object of their anger pay, even if it’s ultimately self-destructive.
They Say Hurtful Things
When a Pisces gets angry, it’s like their brains just switch off. They end up doing things they wouldn’t usually do and coming out with things they wouldn’t normally say. Without realizing it, the things they do and say can be pretty scary. But if you’re ever around when a Pisces blows up and starts coming out with unusual things they wouldn’t usually come out with, try not to take it to heart. They’re just acting without thinking.
My Advice
When Pisces are angry, they may seem scary because they lose control of themselves. But between you and me, I don’t think it’s really them. More like their inner demons or piranhas coming out.
The best thing to do when a Pisces is upset? I’d leave the poor fish be unless you’re looking for their legendary temper! In the end, it’s smart to respect what deep emotions they’ve got beneath that poetic front. Be gentle with them, and I wouldn’t stir them up if I were you! Pisces might look harmless enough but their passion makes them a real force to be reckoned with.