This has definitely happened to you before – you’re just sitting there, and all of a sudden, you catch a whiff of someone you know, even though they’re clearly not around. It’s so weird, and it makes you double-take and wonder how in the world you smell them from far away. Before you go telling yourself you’re losing it, though, there are some possible spiritual explanations for it.
Energy Imprints
When you smell the scent of someone who is not physically present, it likely means their energy is imprinted in your aura. Our auras, the invisible fields around us, reach beyond our actual bodies. When we’re with people, our auras mix together and leave impressions on each other. So later on, you can smell their smell, hear or see their name, or see something that reminds you of them strongly. It’s like part of their aura stayed with you even after they left.
If you smell someone’s scent strongly and frequently when they’re not around, it could indicate that person is thinking of you a lot, and their energy is activating that memory within you. Your spiritual senses may be picking up on their energetic imprint that still lingers in your aura.
In a way, you’re feeling their energy through that familiar scent. Their thoughts of you could be so strong that you literally smell them, even when they’re miles away. The scent acts as a reminder of their presence in your life, even in their absence.
Our sense of smell is deeply linked to memory and emotion, so evocative smells can activate strong feelings and memories within us. When you smell someone who’s physically absent, it’s likely your memory of that person and the associated emotions that are triggered. The scent simply acts as the catalyst.

Spirit Visitations And Messages
When you smell the scent of someone who has passed away, it might mean their spirit is visiting you. Many believe this is a form of communication from the spirit world.
The sense of smell is strongly connected to memory and emotion, so catching a familiar scent can trigger memories of that person. When it’s the scent of someone who has passed, it may indicate their spirit is nearby, wanting to remind you of them and their connection to you.
Some think spirit visitations through scent happen when that person was thinking of you around the time you smelled their scent. The strong emotion from their side allows their spirit to briefly manifest and connect to our world, leaving that scent as a sign of their presence.
If the scent brings you comfort, you can interpret it as that person’s spirit saying hello. They want you to know they are still with you in spirit, watching over and caring for you. The visitations through scent may happen periodically, especially on important dates or times the person thinks of you the most.
Memories And Intuition
Sometimes, when you can catch a whiff of someone’s scent even when they aren’t around, it can bring up deep feelings and memories from your time together. Their smell may trigger memories or feelings that something important is trying to get your attention. It could mean there’s still something unresolved between you, or it’s time to reconnect or think about your relationship. The fragrance acts like a reminder of something important about that person and your bond.
Even though it seems weird, these smell hallucinations usually have meaningful spiritual messages. The universe may be nudging you to think about that person and your connection. There could be a lesson to learn from your relationship or a way you’re supposed to help each other grow.
The next time you smell something familiar, pay attention to what comes up for you. Memories, feelings, thoughts – there may be something helpful there. Your first reactions to a scent often hold insight. So don’t dismiss those initial thoughts or what your intuition tells you. You might find an answer!
Key Takeaways
- Sometimes. when you really care about someone, your mind can play tricks on you and make you think you smell their scent even when they’re not around. That’s what it means if you think you smell the person you have a crush on.
- It can also happen with people you’re close to but live far away, like friends, partners, or family. Your brain may pick up on their “energy” and make you think you can smell them, especially if you’re each thinking about the other at the same time.
- And some people believe that loved ones who have passed can also make their presence known through scent every once in a while. So don’t be surprised if you catch a whiff of someone you lost – it could just be their way of saying hello from the other side.
Read also:
4 Spiritual Meanings of Smelling Perfume Out of Nowhere (+ My Story)
The Spiritual Meaning of Bad Smell: Ghosts, Bad Vibes & More