You meet someone and feel an instant, profound connection, as if you’ve known them before. You might start wondering why, but that sense of familiarity could stem from a past life romance!
The concept of “past life lovers” arises from the belief in reincarnation—the idea that our souls are reborn into new bodies after death. If two souls shared a deep romantic bond in a previous lifetime, they may feel an inexplicable pull toward each other again in this life. If this resonates with you, explore these 10 signs to see if it might be your situation.
You Have An Instant Connection
You find yourself divulging secrets or saying things you wouldn’t normally share so soon. You like you’ve known each other for ages. You trust them because you know they will understand. You’re telling them things you wouldn’t even tell your closest friends.
This immediate closeness and ability to be fully yourselves with one another could indicate a strong soul connection from a past life. Your souls recognize each other, even if you don’t consciously remember the details. There’s just something that feels so familiar and right about them. You just know this is someone you already know in your heart.
You Just “Get” Each Other
There’s an unspoken understanding between you that transcends words or logic. You intuitively know how the other feels and what they need. It’s like your souls recognize one another, even if you’ve just met in this lifetime.
Past life connections often feel destined or fated. You might have the sense that this person is “the one” for you, even if there are obstacles in the way. Don’t ignore this inner knowing. Your souls have likely traveled many lifetimes to reunite, so make the most of this opportunity you’ve been given to love each other again. And if things didn’t work out between you in your past life, now you’ve got a new opportunity, so don’t let it slip by.
Some Things Trigger You Easily
This sign can be a bit tricky to explain, but I’ll do my best. Imagine you and your partner are watching a crime show or documentary, and he casually comments on how attractive a policewoman is. Normally, you wouldn’t feel jealous, but in this instance, his remark suddenly makes you feel upset or angry for no clear reason.
This reaction could stem from a past life where your partner may have been cheated on you by a police officer. Hearing him talk about a cop in this life might subconsciously trigger those unresolved emotions from the past. Even now, those old feelings resurface, causing an unexpected reaction when he brings up something related to law enforcement.
Having Déjà Vu When You’re Together
Déjà vu is the feeling that you’ve experienced or seen something before, even if you know you haven’t. Reincarnated lovers often feel a sense of déjà vu with each other because their souls remember the experiences they shared in past lives. Your souls recognize each other, so you feel like you’ve talked, laughed, and bonded before in this lifetime.
When you travel to new places together, certain spots may seem eerily familiar, like you’ve been there in a dream. Or you’re sitting there eating, and you look at them, and it feels like déjà vu – like you’ve seen this exact moment before? Have you felt this way with your partner? It could be a clue that your souls were romantically connected in another life and they are your past life lover.
You Finish Each Other’s Sentences
“Hey, you wanna grab an Americano before work?” you ask. “I was just about to ask you the same thing!” they say. It’s like you can read my mind. That kind of connection could mean you knew each other in a past life.
The way you two look at each other, really talk and listen. Or how you just seem to get what the other needs without saying. It’s like your souls are talking without words. This bond you share goes way beyond now. Even if you just met, it feels like you’ve been friends forever. There’s something special between you that goes back further than either of you know.
Intense But Effortless Intimacy
Past life lovers may experience a level of comfort, intimacy, and understanding that goes far beyond what is typical for a new relationship. Physical things just come naturally, like your bodies just fit together perfectly.
It’s quite interesting because they might somehow know exactly what you like, even if you’ve never been intimate before in this life. Like they’ll touch you in a certain spot, and it’s like, “How’d they know about that spot?”
A Deep Sense of Comfort

When you meet your past life soulmate, you may feel instant comfort and familiarity, even if you’ve just met in this life. It’s as if you’ve known them for years. Conversations flow easily, you find yourself opening up to them quickly, and there’s a sense of emotional intimacy that usually takes time to develop.
When you’re with that person, it’s like you’re home. You don’t have anything to hide or stress about. You feel so at ease around them, like you’ve known each other for lifetimes. It’s that kind of comfort and familiarity where you can just be yourself without any worries. You feel totally relaxed in their presence.
Have you ever thought of someone randomly, only to have them call or text you moments later? Or had a song stuck in your head that you then hear on the radio? These meaningful coincidences, known as synchronicities, often happen between soul mates or twin flames. It’s as if you’re so energetically connected that your minds and experiences are aligned.
If you frequently experience synchronicities with your partner, it could be a sign you were lovers in a past life. Perhaps you’re picking up where you left off, and your souls are using these signs as a way to guide you back together.
Strange Premonitions
You’re walking down the road together with your partner when you get this weird feeling that you should change your route. Then you come to find out later that some wild animal attacked someone on the road you were originally on. In a past life, you lived through that same situation before. Your soul remembers what happened back then and is trying to change things now.
Seeing Their Name Everywhere
When soulmates reunite, strange occurrences often happen that make the universe seem like it’s trying to push you together. And one of the most common of these is seeing their name repeatedly in unexpected places.
Our subconscious minds are powerful, and they can pick up on spiritual connections even before our conscious minds are aware. When you have a soulmate bond with someone, even across lifetimes, there is an invisible thread that tugs at your heart.
Your subconscious picks up on this, and it may start drawing your attention to signs as a way of confirming what your soul already knows – that this person is, for some reason, important and meant to be in your life.
So when you suddenly start seeing their name in the news, on TV shows, in books, on license plates, and other places you wouldn’t expect, it could be a sign that your souls are reconnecting and your subconscious is trying to get your conscious mind to take notice.
Read more about the spiritual meaning of seeing his name everywhere.