Perhaps you have already noticed that when you’re going through an intense emotional release or spiritual shift, you might start coughing up phlegm and mucus. It’s pretty gross, but it could actually be a sign of energetic cleansing.
That gunk in your throat is like stagnant energy and negative emotions trying to work their way out. Your body is literally coughing up all the “yuck” that’s been stuck inside and freeing you up for new beginnings.
It’s Your Body’s Way of Releasing Negativity
From a spiritual perspective, when you cough up mucus, it’s a sign that your body is clearing out negative emotions and spiritual “gunk”. Mucus is a metaphor for negative thoughts or feelings we’ve accumulated over time. All that stress, worry, sadness – it gets stuck inside us if we don’t deal with it properly. But when a cough hits, it’s like our body goes “Alright, time to get rid of this junk!”. And it literally forces us to cough it all up and out of our lungs.
There’s an energetic aspect to it, too. We’re expelling more than just mucus – we’re clearing out all that “gunk” that’s been weighing us down mentally and emotionally. The next time you get a good sneeze on, pay attention to how much lighter you feel – not just physically but in your head, too. All that garbage you’ve been carrying around is gone, and you can breathe a little easier.
Letting Go of “Dead Energy”
Sometimes, when we cough up mucus, our body is trying to release “dead energy.” Mucus and other waste products shouldn’t stay inside us forever. Getting rid of it all makes you feel so much lighter and cleaner.
For instance, after a bad breakup, coughing up mucus could symbolize letting go of those negative feelings toward the other person. All the anger, hurt, and resentment you were holding onto, your body’s just getting it all out. That past relationship is in the past now. You can breathe easier without dragging that baggage around.
And quitting unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking often leads to coughing, too. Your body might be purging the leftover effects of those things. As you embrace a new, healthier lifestyle, coughing can help complete the change away from how you used to be. You’re ridding yourself of anything that doesn’t fit with the person you want to become.
In all these cases, coughing serves as your body’s natural way of shedding what it doesn’t need anymore. Whatever was providing energy or fulfillment before it’s used up now. By coughing mucus, you make room for new sources of life and vitality to come into your life.
Something Is “Eating You” Up Inside
in some cases, when we’re carrying around negative emotions or stressful thoughts on the inside, it can really weigh us down over time. Our bodies are amazing things – they’re constantly trying to keep us healthy and in balance.
So if coughing up mucus is happening more than usual, maybe our body is trying to tell us something. All that things we’re holding onto, all the worries and regrets, it’s like junk just piling up inside. No wonder we feel bogged down!
If you keep coughing up mucus, it’s like your body is giving us a nudge, saying, “Time to clean house in here!”. Who knows, if we take the hint and do some of that inner work, that mucus might clear up, too.
Before You Assume The Worst..
Take a step back and think about what’s really going on in your life right now. Are you stressed out about something? Scared of something happening? Kicking yourself about a mistake? That mucus could just be all those bad vibes trying to get out so you can feel less weighed down. Of course, there could be more to it than that, but it’s something to consider.
Please note: This article was talking about the spiritual side of things, not giving medical advice.