A month ago, I visited a second-hand store in my town that was new to me. Well, technically, it’s not new, but I had never been there before. The moment I stepped inside, I noticed the witchy vibe—pictures of black cats, the smell of smudge, and witches’ symbols mixed with roses hanging everywhere. What really caught my attention, though, was that all the roses were hanging upside down.
I spent the whole day wondering what it could mean and ended up diving into some deep research. Here’s what I uncovered. By the end, you’ll also know why the owner of the second hand store hangs roses there!
The Symbolism of Hanging Roses Upside Down
When you hang a rose upside down, you’re kind of freezing its life cycle in this in-between state. It’s not alive, but it’s not fully dead either. The beauty is preserved, almost like you’re defying the laws of nature for a little while.
Hanging roses upside down symbolizes our desire to hold onto cherished memories and moments. It’s a physical reminder of the emotional connections we’ve made and the experiences we want to honor, even after they’ve passed. Hanging a rose upside down is like saying “I’m not ready to let this go just yet.”
Spiritual Meaning
Spiritually, hanging a rose upside down represents transformation, spiritual growth, and rising above the conventional or expected. It’s like you’re elevating the rose to a higher plane, imbuing it with new significance that transcends its role as just a pretty flower.
The inverted rose becomes a powerful symbol of resilience, of defying the odds and embracing change. It’s a reminder that sometimes, in order to truly blossom and reach our full potential, we need to challenge the status quo and turn things on their head, so to speak.
Reverence For The Past
When you receive a bouquet of roses for a special occasion like an anniversary or a birthday, they represent that celebration and all the emotions tied to it. As the days go by and the flowers start to wilt, there’s a tinge of sadness watching their beauty fade. But by hanging them upside down to dry, you get to savor their vibrant colors and intricate details for months, even years to come.
It’s like hitting the pause button on that joyful moment, allowing you to revisit it time and again through the preserved rose. The deep, rich colors that emerge as the petals dry become a visual reminder of the love, happiness, or sense of accomplishment you felt when you first received those fresh blooms.
For some, hanging roses upside down holds an even deeper significance. It can serve as a way to honor the memory of a departed loved one, keeping a piece of them close in a tangible form. Each time you see the roses, it might stir up precious memories or provide a sense of comfort and connection.
Letting Go And Transformation
The rose is a powerful symbol of love, beauty, and divine feminine energy. When you hang a rose upside down, it’s believed to represent the act of letting go and embracing transformation. Just as the rose hangs upside down, defying gravity and its natural state, it reminds us to let go of our preconceived notions, our fears, and anything that might be holding us back from truly blossoming into our highest selves.
Imagine the petals of the rose gently unfurling, opening up to the world in a new and unexpected way. That’s what hanging a rose upside down can symbolize – a willingness to embrace change, to see things from a different perspective, and to trust in the process of growth and evolution.
But it’s not just about letting go – it’s also about transformation. Just as the rose transforms from a tightly closed bud into a breathtaking bloom, hanging it upside down can represent the transformative power within each of us. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, even when we feel upside down and topsy-turvy, there’s always the potential for growth, for beauty, and for renewal.
About The Second-Hand Story
A couple of days after I visited the thrift store and did some research, I went back to talk to the owner. She was quite tight-lipped at first. But after a while, when she realized I was into spirituality and wouldn’t judge her, she told me the dried roses hanging upside down were a small way of thanking the previous owners who had actually died in that building. She said by honoring them like this, they wouldn’t haunt her place but would bless it instead!