Has this ever happened to you—you crack open an egg and see a little spot of blood in the yolk or white? I know I’ve seen that before and wondered what’s up with it. No need to stress, though. An egg with a blood spot is totally fine to eat. Some people even think it means you’ll have good luck!
Those red spots are natural and harmless – they don’t make the egg bad or mean the chicken wasn’t healthy. Blood spots just sometimes form when the egg is being made, so it’s nothing to worry about. And no, finding blood in the yolk definitely doesn’t mean you’ll have bad luck or that witches were involved.
Ancient Origins
The superstition dates back to ancient times when people didn’t understand much about chicken reproduction. Seeing blood in an egg was strange and frightening, so they attributed it to evil spirits or bad omens. Some even thought the egg was fertilized or that the chicken was sick.
As more was learned about chickens, we now know that occasionally, a small blood vessel in the hen’s reproductive tract ruptures during egg laying, causing a tiny bit of blood to end up in the egg. This is harmless to both the chicken and the egg, but the old myth has persisted.

Different Cultural Takes
Variations of the superstition exist in many cultures. Some say it foretells tragedy or warns of danger ahead. Others believe it signifies good fortune or prosperity is coming your way. In certain European, Asian, and Middle Eastern cultures, a blood spot in an egg is thought to ward off evil.
No matter where you’re from, this old superstition about finding blood spots in eggs still creeps some people out – myself included! Even though we know now what actually causes it biologically, lots of people still feel uneasy seeing blood in their eggs. And I totally get that because the first time I cracked an egg open and saw blood inside, I was so spooked by it that I tossed the egg in the trash.
A Sign of Good Luck
Spiritually, finding blood in an egg is considered good luck. Blood spots in eggs are super rare, only happening in about 1% of eggs. So because it’s such an unusual thing to see, people think it’ll bring them good fortune. Also, in terms of spirituality, blood symbolizes energy, vitality, and life. So, finding it in the yolk is thought to be a sign that good times with lots of energy are coming your way.
From a more spiritual way of looking at things, everything that happens has some kind of meaning. Whether it’s finding a bird outside your window, a penny on the sidewalk, or blood in your eggs. The rarer something is, though, like getting an egg with blood in it or seeing a male calico cat (over 99% of calicos are female), the stronger the message is believed to be.
Folklore Around Blood Spots In Eggs
There’s an old legend that says if an egg has blood spots in it, that means the chicken was scared or stressed when it was laying it. The story goes that the fright made the chicken’s blood get inside the egg somehow. Some people also used to think that eating an egg like that would make you cranky or give you bad dreams. But really, none of that is true.
There was also this belief that if a woman cracked open an egg and saw blood in it, that meant she would either lose her baby if she was already pregnant or wouldn’t be able to get pregnant at all. That one’s scary, but just like with all other superstitions, though, there’s really no evidence it’s real. So it’s best we don’t put any stock in things like that.
Cracked An Egg, And It Was Bloody? Nothing To Worry About!
If you crack open an egg and see a little blood spot in the yolk or white, don’t freak out! You definitely don’t need to call a priest to come exorcize your kitchen. Eggs with blood spots are totally fine to eat. The blood doesn’t mean the egg went bad or the chicken is sick.
I know old wives’ tales make it seem weird, but science shows that blood doesn’t mean anything special. Just crack another egg and cook it up – it’ll taste just as good! And if you’re into that spirituality, seeing the blood means something lucky will happen to you soon. Finding something rare has to mean something, right?