Have you ever had to deal with going through a loved one’s belongings after they passed away? It’s really tough, I know. But based on feng shui, there are some things you may want to consider as you go through it.
As painful as it is, holding on to everything can actually make it harder to accept what happened. At the same time, you’ll definitely want to remember them in a good way. The key to feng shui is finding a balance – keeping what brings you joy but letting go of what makes you sad. If someone close to you died recently, here are a few ideas for thoughtfully handling their things.
Deceased Belongings: Keep Them or Let Them Go?
According to feng shui, it’s best to let go of things that belonged to loved ones who have passed away. Keeping their belongings around can bring down your energy and make it hard to move on. Plus, a part of their spirit or energy is still stuck to the things they really loved or used every day.
In feng shui, anything that isn’t useful anymore is called “dead energy.” This includes things that belonged to someone who has died or their ashes. Even your old receipts and invoices, clothes you’ll never wear, and items you haven’t touched in years are considered “dead or stagnant energy.”
Getting rid of what was theirs helps clean up both your space and emotions. It lets new opportunities and relationships into your life. If you hold onto everything they owned, you may feel stuck in the past instead of moving forward.
But letting go of their things doesn’t mean throwing everything away! You can donate what you don’t want, give items to people who need them, or you could store items in another building, like a detached garage or shed, instead of keeping them in your main house.
How About Their Photos?
When it comes to photos of deceased loved ones, there is a small exception. Our souls are thought to be eternal in many spiritual beliefs. The physical body may be gone, but the soul lives on. So if you really want to keep the person’s photo out, I don’t think it’s necessarily a problem according to feng shui principles. The key is to make sure you honor their memory and keep the energy balanced.
- Try framing the photo in wood or metal instead of plastic.
- Also, make sure to include some living things, like fresh flowers, around the photo.
- Putting it near a window where natural light comes in can help too.
Surrounding their photo with living energy in a respectful way is meant to honor their memory while maintaining harmony in the space.
Perform A Cleansing Ritual
Now that all of their belongings are out of your place, it’s time for some energetic cleansing. Light up a sage bundle and let the smoke waft through each room – that’ll help clear out any lingering energy that might still be hanging around even though the physical items are gone. You could also ring a little bell if you’ve got one.
Open the windows to get fresh air circulating. Even if it’s cold out, open them for 10 minutes to refresh the space. All that new air flowing in does wonders – it makes the room feel bright and rejuvenated. It’s like hitting the reset button for the energy in the room.
How To Respectfully Handle A Deceased Loved One’s Belongings
When going through the things that belonged to a loved one who passed away, it’s important to be mindful of energy. Feng shui believes that energy can get stuck on objects. So, when sorting through a deceased person’s belongings, handle everything with care and respect. Let the energy of loved memories tied to those items flow freely instead of getting stuck.
Take Your Time
Don’t feel rushed to go through your loved one’s belongings immediately. Give yourself space to grieve before making big decisions. When you’re ready, go slowly and be gentle with yourself.
Keep What Sparks Joy
While feng shui advises against keeping deceased belongings, it’s okay to hang onto something that reminds you of good memories. If a loved one’s favorite shirt or a tool they used in the kitchen brings you comfort, keep it. Getting rid of something only to really miss it later is worse than having a memento at home. Items special to that person can help you feel still connected in a nice way. But still, if possible, try keeping that item out of your bedroom or living room.
Donate The Rest
You may want to donate or gift items your loved one cared about to places they supported. This lets their things keep helping others, which some believe helps their soul rest easy. Call charities, shelters, or churches to set up donations. When you give things to others who need them, it helps release your loved one’s spirit from those items. Now the items can help people again without that person’s energy stuck to them.
Final Notes
As much as keeping mementos of loved ones who have passed can bring comfort, according to feng shui principles, it’s best not to clutter your space with belongings from the deceased. Having less of their belongings will make space for new things to come into your life.
It’s important to remember that we’re all spiritual beings having a human experience. We’re connected through our minds and souls, not physical objects. Getting rid of what they left behind doesn’t mean you’re losing their spirit. Their soul will always be close to yours.