I recently came across a TikTok video where a woman shared something quite unusual. She said, “This messed me up, so I’m going to let it mess you up, too. The body you occupied in your past life is buried somewhere on this earth.”
Her statement really stuck with me, and the idea was so deep that it kept me awake at night. I couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of my past-life body being buried somewhere on this planet. If it’s true, where could it be? Join me on an adventure to uncover clues about who you might have been in a past life and where your previous bodies could now be resting.
Reincarnation: The Concept of Past Lives
Reincarnation is a fascinating spiritual idea that pops up in a bunch of religions and beliefs—think Hinduism, Buddhism, and even some New Age philosophies. The gist of it? When you die, your soul doesn’t just vanish; it gets a fresh start in a new body. But here’s the question: what happens to your old body after you’ve moved on?
According to reincarnation, when you die in one life, your soul peaces out of your physical form. That body? It breaks down, returning to the earth—ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Meanwhile, your soul is off on its next adventure, finding a new vessel to call home.
Now, what happened to your past body? Well, it depends. Maybe you were cremated, and your ashes were scattered to the wind. Or perhaps you were buried in a cemetery, your remains slowly becoming one with the soil over time. And if you died in some remote, wild place, your body might’ve been left to the elements—bones scattered by animals, reclaimed by nature.
Locating Your Past Life Remains: Is It Possible?
Wondering if you might have lived a past life? But how can you really know for sure? Some people think that finding the remains of your past self could be the ultimate proof. But let’s be real—tracking down your old “bones” sounds like a long shot. Try this instead:
Researching Your Possible Past Identities
First, you’ll need to do a little sleuthing. There are a few ways to dig up clues about who you might have been. You could try past life regression hypnosis, which is like a guided trip into your subconscious. Or maybe you’ve had random memories or dreams that feel like they’re from another time—those could be hints, too. Once you’ve got some potential names, dates, or locations, hit the history books (or the internet) and see if you can find records of people who match that info. Did they die or get buried in that area? It’s like putting together a puzzle, piece by piece.
Think About What Attracts You
Think about what draws you in. Are you obsessed with the ocean, or do you feel at peace in the woods? Is there a specific place—a town, a country—that you feel weirdly connected to, even if you’ve never been there? Ask yourself lots of questions. For example, just because you’re drawn to Sweden doesn’t necessarily mean you lived there in a past life. Maybe you were in a cold, snowy place, or near water, or maybe you even died during winter. Little details like that could help narrow things down. Don’t ignore anything—even the smallest thing might be a clue.
Ask Your Higher Self (or Spirit Guides)
If you’re into the spiritual side of things, you could try asking your higher self or your spirit guides for answers. Be direct with your questions, and stay open to receiving signs. These might come through dreams, sudden intuitive thoughts, or even random images that pop into your head. It’s all about tuning in and paying attention.
Consulting Psychics And Mediums
If you’re hitting a wall, you might want to consult a psychic or medium. They could potentially connect with your past spirit and give you more details to work with. But here’s the thing—there’s no scientific proof that psychic readings are legit, so take anything they say with a grain of salt. Think of it as another piece of the puzzle, not the whole picture.
Exploring Promising Sites In-Person
As a last resort, you could actually visit the places that match your research or psychic readings. Walk around, explore, and see if anything feels familiar. Who knows? You might stumble across something that leads you closer to your past self. But let’s be honest—the chances of finding your old remains are pretty slim. You might end up on a wild goose chase, so go into it with an open mind but a healthy dose of skepticism. And, of course, be respectful of private property and follow all the rules.

Methods For Discovering Your Previous Burial Site
Figuring out where your past-life body might be buried is no easy task, but there are a few methods that could help guide you in the right direction. Let’s dive into some of the more intriguing approaches.
Pendulum Dowsing
Using a pendulum is one way to get yes or no answers to questions about your past life’s burial site. Hold the pendulum over a map while concentrating on your intention to find where your past life body was laid to rest. Ask the pendulum specific questions about locations, and note where it swings in a circular motion for “yes.” Pendulum dowsing can be hit or miss, but some people swear by it for past-life exploration.
Psychic Reading
If you’re open to it, consulting a psychic medium or channeler could give you some insights. Look for someone who specializes in past-life readings and ask them to tune into where your past-life remains might be buried. They might pick up on details that resonate with you—like a specific region, landscape, or even a type of burial site. Just keep in mind that psychic readings aren’t scientifically proven, so take what they say as a potential clue rather than absolute truth.
Past Life Regression
This one’s a bit more hands-on. Past life regression hypnosis is a way to tap into memories from your previous lives, including the circumstances of your death and burial. A trained hypnotist can guide you into a deeply relaxed state where you might experience vivid visions or sensations from a past life. You can even ask your subconscious mind direct questions about where your remains were laid to rest. Sometimes the answers come through as metaphors or symbols, so trust your gut and look for details that really resonate with you.
Final Words
Some of these methods might sound a little out there. But if you’re the kind of person who’s curious about reincarnation and past lives, even the wildest ideas can be worth a shot. At the very least, trying out these techniques can turn into a fascinating thought experiment. Imagine piecing together who you might have been in a past life—what you looked like, where you lived, even how you died. It’s like solving a mystery about yourself.
The truth is out there, waiting to be discovered. You don’t have to grab a shovel (please don’t!), but a little curiosity and an open mind might just take you further than you think. Who knows what you’ll find?