Not too long ago, I read on X that eclipses are the perfect time to try and make your wishes come true or decide what you want, but that’s totally not accurate. Before you get started saying positive affirmations to yourself or trying to attract your soulmate, hear me out for a second.
The Eclipse Energy Can Disrupt Your Manifestation
Don’t buy into that hype about solar eclipses being some magical time for manifestation. Eclipses aren’t the best time to try and manifest what you want into your life.
Manifesting takes real focus on being clear and positive. But eclipses mess with our energy and mindset, so it’s tough to get into that good headspace. You’re more likely to end up with the opposite of your goal or nothing happening at all if you try during an eclipse.
I learned that lesson the hard way last time. Instead of landing my dream role, I spiraled into doubt and anxiety. So take it from me – don’t waste your time trying to manifest during an eclipse. Just take some time for yourself instead. Do something relaxing like taking a bath, pampering yourself, or just reflecting. Wait for the eclipse to pass before putting that manifestation energy out there.
It’s like trying to work out without sleep. You won’t be able to lift much and might even hurt yourself. You need to recharge first. Eclipses are the same—you need to recharge your energy before manifesting.
Eclipses Mark Times of Major Shifts, They’re Not For Setting New Intentions
Eclipses can really shake things up, both inside and out. During an eclipse, the sun representing our outer lives and the moon representing our inner lives are both in flux. It makes it hard to tap into creativity or the law of attraction because our energy is scattered.
It’s toughest to visualize and affirm what you want when your mind feels all over the place. An eclipse can do that, making it difficult to keep your focus on your goals.
Emotions are also on a rollercoaster around an eclipse. Things like fear and anxiety can block your ability to manifest what you want, while feeling grateful and joyful helps it along. With so much changing emotionally during an eclipse, it’s hard to stay optimistic.
Leading up to and after an eclipse, it’s best not to start anything new as far as manifestations or vision boards. Instead, take that time to review what you’ve already set in motion and refocus on your existing intentions. Once the eclipse passes and things settle down inside, your manifestation ability will kick back into gear a lot easier.
Even though eclipses bring change, manifestation works best with clarity and stability. Hold off on new vision boards or affirmations for now. Just stick with what you’ve already got rolling – the eclipse will be over before you know it, and manifestation will be in full swing again.
What To Do During The Eclipse
Eclipses aren’t really about starting something new. They’re more about letting go of stuff from the past. Go through your journal and see if there are any negative thoughts or patterns holding you back. Also, take a look around your space – get rid of clutter and anything bringing down the vibe.

And it’s a good time to end relationships or habits that aren’t serving you anymore, whether that’s mentally, physically, or spiritually. The effects of an eclipse can actually last up to 6 months before and after, so use that whole time to declutter both your stuff and your mind. Tie up any loose ends, so you have a fresh start when the eclipse energy passes.
I’d also say hold off on setting big intentions during an eclipse. The energy can be kind of chaotic. It’s better to focus on releasing, closing doors, and chilling for a bit. Once things level out cosmicly, your goals and dreams will be right there waiting with open arms in a more supportive environment.
My Advice
I wouldn’t recommend trying any solar eclipse manifestation rituals during an eclipse. Your energy levels and focus won’t be their normal selves, so you’re likely just to get frustrated. The eclipse won’t last forever though, so I’d say hold off until it passes. That way, you can manifest when the timing feels right for you.
I learned the hard way on this one, so just take it from me – don’t get too caught up in all the hype around eclipses and manifestation. Your goals and dreams will still be there waiting once it’s over. No need to force things during the eclipse. Just let it run its course!