We live in a world where money rules everything and anything. And it’s not hard to see why – today, the value of money goes beyond what we can actually use it for. Some people have such a tight grip on their money that they will do and think anything to save it.
But while some people are obsessed with money and think about it constantly, others know little about it. In this article, we will not discuss how to save or spend money. Instead, we will look at some superstitions about money, which, in some instances, can help you save money.
Whether you believe in superstitions or not, these superstitions about money have been passed on for generations. So let’s take a look at this list and see if any of these superstitions have been around your family!
You should never carry a bill in your pocket
Many people believe you should never carry a bill in your pocket because it will attract negative energy. They say that if you do carry a bill, it will bring bad luck, and the money will disappear.
Others believe that carrying a $1 bill would be the worst thing to do because they think it is unlucky. However, since many people don’t carry cash anymore, this superstition doesn’t apply to most people nowadays. But still, it’s good to remember this superstition..because you never know!
You should never spend money you haven’t earned
Do you feel anxious when you spend money you haven’t yet earned? If so, then this superstition might apply to you. This superstition is one of the most common and stems from an ancient belief that if we spend money before we earn it, our luck will run out. While there is no scientific evidence to back this up, many people still believe in this superstition.
Additionally, some believe that the Law of Chance will work against them or their families if they spend money before earning it.
It’s bad luck to see a coin
This superstition is about seeing a coin on the ground. If you see a coin and pick it up, this represents an extra expense for your day. To avoid this, you should avert your eyes from the coin and try to walk away from it.
On the other hand, other people believe that when they find a coin on the ground, it is a gift they must take and carry with them for good luck. Who knows what the truth is!
Never Put Money In A Yellow Envelope
The reason why this superstition exists is that the color yellow signifies death and fate. Therefore, putting your money in a yellow envelope is not good because it might mean you are giving away your fate, or consider your money dead.
Don’t Walk Under a Ladder
This superstition is pretty common. It’s simply a case of bad luck that comes with the presence of a ladder. The idea behind this superstition is that ladders are used to climb up and represent the hierarchical structure in society, which is why people associate them with power. So, when you walk under one, it’s as if you are challenging or stepping on the strength of whoever “owns” the ladder.
Another theory is that superstition originated during the Middle Ages when people believed that walking under a ladder could cause them to be cursed by evil spirits. Whatever the origins of this superstition, it is still widely believed today. Many avoid walking under ladders, even if they don’t believe in this superstition.
Don’t Spend It On Love
The superstition “don’t spend your money on love” is a Chinese belief that stems from the idea that “love comes free.” The thought is that if you spend too much on love, there will be nothing left for anything else.
If you want to pursue love, don’t spend your money on it!
Always Have a Coin In Your Pocket
There are many superstitions about having a coin in your pocket. One of them is that if you put a coin in your pocket, you will never be broken. You should also know that carrying a penny won’t bring you bad luck – instead, it will bring you wealth and good luck.
And if you want to attract money into your life, it wouldn’t hurt to keep some change on you at all times! Some people believe that if you have coins in your pocket, you will be lucky throughout the day.
Don’t Put Money On The Table
If you want to bring money into your life, do not put money on the table. This superstition may have originated from believing money is unclean and should not be placed on the table. Another explanation is that putting money on the table signifies greed and will attract evil spirits.
You Shouldn’t Look Into a Woolen Purse
One of the superstitions about money is that it is bad luck to have a woolen purse. It’s said that if you put your hand in a woolen purse, you will get all your fingers stuck in the wool and break them. This old superstition was around before we obviously had plastic or leather purses.
Itchy Palms
This superstition is widespread in Europe and Asia, where it is believed that an itchy right palm means you will receive money, while an itchy left palm means you will have to pay someone.
However, some nations believe in the opposite, that when their left palm is itching, they will receive money, and when their right palm is itching, they will give money away. For example, the second option works for me because every time I have an itchy right palm, I have to pay for something, usually something unexpected. Read more about the itchy palms superstitions here.
There are a lot of superstitions about money. Some are based on tradition, while others are based on religious beliefs. It’s important to keep in mind that these beliefs were made many years ago, and they might not be as relevant in our world today. But who knows! I believe in the saying that “every statement contains a kernel of truth.”