You put yourself out there, had a great first date, and were totally feeling a connection. Then suddenly…nothing. Their texts dried up faster than water in the Sahara.
Ghosting really stinks, I know. But how you handle it says a lot about you. Before you go nuts and start ranting, stay classy with one of these high road responses.
Why Do People Do It?
Ghosting refers to suddenly disappearing from someone’s life without explanation. No calls, no texts, no explanation—they’ve vanished into thin air.
It’s not cool. Not only does it hurt, but it’s just plain rude. Have some decency and let the person know what’s up instead of leaving them hanging. I mean, would just a simple “I’m not feeling it” or “I met someone else” really be that hard? I went through it myself once, and it really stings.
- Fear of confrontation. Some people really struggle when it comes to tough talks or confrontations. It’s way simpler for them to just ghost instead of having a real heart-to-heart about why they aren’t feeling it anymore.
- Lack of emotional maturity. Ghosting someone is super immature. It shows you don’t care about the other person’s feelings and aren’t really good at communicating. Some people just haven’t learned how to deal with relationships in a real and helpful way.
- They’re no longer interested. Sometimes, people just lose interest or attraction and don’t know how to express that properly, so they ghost. It’s not a kind or ethical thing to do, but it happens.
- They’re dating someone else. If someone has started dating another person more seriously, they may ghost previous romantic interests or prospects rather than have an honest conversation about it.
- Fear of hurting your feelings. Some people ghost because they want to avoid hurting the other person’s feelings. Of course, ghosting often causes more hurt and confusion than an honest but kind rejection would.
15 Final Texts To Your Ghoster
Before you totally decide to go no contact, you can send them these final high value messages to really drive home how poorly they acted.
I understand you need space right now. I hope everything works out well for you going ahead. But I have to say, not hearing from you at all isn’t really working for me. I know my own self-worth.
I respect your decision to step back. I hope you’re able to find what makes you happy and feel fulfilled.
It’s okay that we lost touch. I want you to know I cherish the good memories we shared. I hope you find peace. Bye.
I’m disappointed with how things ended, but I want you to know you still matter. I hope someday our paths cross again under better circumstances.
I realize communication broke down between us. Although I don’t fully understand your decision, I want you to know I still value you as a person. I wish you all the best in life.
Well, I had hoped for a different outcome, but I understand we all move through life at our own pace. I still care about you as a person and hope life brings you joy.
I realize I didn’t hear from you. I want you to know withholding communication wasn’t a good solution, but I understand you had to do what felt right for you. I wish you happiness and hope our paths cross again in a positive way.
I realize we lost touch. I want you to know I still value our time together. I hope that with time and distance, things can one day be resolved. For now, I wish you the very best in life.
I understand you needed space that I couldn’t give. I hope that in time you find what you’re looking for. You still matter to me as a person, and I wish you peace and happiness.
While I’m disappointed things ended this way, I want you to know I still value our memories and time together. I hope you find what you’re seeking in life and can one day look back on this time with compassion for us both.
It hurts that we grew apart, but I want you to know I still care about you as a person. I hope that, in time, you find peace and fulfillment. Good luck.
I realize I didn’t hear back from you. I want you to know that withholding communication was hurtful, but I understand you did what felt right. I still wish you the very best in life and hope our paths cross again under better circumstances.
I wish we could have talked things through, but I want you to know I still value our time together. I hope that with time and distance, you find peace and joy in life. All the best to you.
I understand you needed space that I couldn’t give. I still care about you as a person and wish you peace, happiness, and everything good life has to offer.
It hurts that we lost touch, but I want you to know I still value our memories together. I wish you peace and fulfillment in life.
You’re Doing It For Your Good
Instead of sending them a rude message that would only make things worse, these better responses will help resolve things. You want what’s best for yourself, so you’re doing it for your own benefit, not for theirs. Also, when you use these messages, you show them you’re a good person, not someone who’s still mad. In some cases, they might realize what they lost and try coming back, but ultimately, it’s up to you if you’ll take them back or not.