You’re casually going about your day when you glance at the clock and see 11:11. Or maybe you keep seeing the number sequence 123 over and over. If this sounds familiar, you’ve probably wondered what these repeating numbers mean and if they serve as some sort of sign or message. And you’re probably aware of the term “angel numbers.”
The deeper you dig into it, the more you see that there are millions of people checking out those numbers, posting pictures on Instagram or Pinterest, or even getting one of those digits permanently inked on their body.
“Angel Numbers” And Their Origin
Angel numbers are repeating number sequences, like 111, 1212, 1234, or 2526, that some believe contain divine guidance or messages from angels or spiritual entities. The idea is that angels use these number sequences to communicate with and reassure us.
According to believers, noticing angel numbers is a sign you’re on the right path or about to receive an important message. Each sequence has its own meaning. For example:
- 111 means new beginnings or opportunities are ahead.
- 222 signifies balance and harmony.
- 333 represents spiritual growth and abundance.
- 444 means you’re being protected by angels.
- 555 signifies big life changes are on the way.
The whole concept of “angel numbers” was actually created by an American author named Doreen Virtue. She used to write about spirituality and believe in things like signs from angels. But a few years ago, she changed her mind about all that. She became religious and decided she didn’t believe in anything spiritual anymore. Essentially, she distanced herself from anything having to do with spirituality.
Now, you might be thinking that angel numbers sound new age-y. And that’s a fair point. But the reality is things like seeing repeated numbers or other signs from the universe have probably been happening since the beginning of time. It’s just that nobody called them “angel numbers” until Doreen Virtue wrote about it in one of her books. That’s when everyone started using that term.
So yes, the term “angel numbers” is definitely considered new age, but the idea behind it has really been around for as long as people have been on Earth. The concept of seeing certain number patterns and finding meaning in them goes way back.
New Age Nonsense?
While angel numbers have existed since the beginning of time, they didn’t get the name “angel” until recently. People have been seeing these numbers forever though, they may have just called them spirit numbers or synchronicities back then.
For me personally, angel numbers aren’t just some new age nonsense. But there is a fine line between what’s real and what’s imaginary. What I mean by that is, some people obsess over finding these numbers on purpose. Or some think the numbers are telling them to do something, and then get disappointed when nothing happens.
Angel numbers are like feathers, pennies, or other spiritual signs – they signal changes happening in your life or that things are looking up. Or maybe they’re just coincidences showing you’re in sync with the universe.
So in the end, are angel numbers based on spiritual beliefs or history? It seems the real answer is probably a mix of both.. The idea that certain numbers have meanings goes way back. But the modern angel number movement is more recent, growing out of 20th century spirituality. Like many spiritual things, science hasn’t proven anything – just possibilities, experiences, and faith.