Experienced and creative designers involved in the development and promotion of a brand in its sales market are well aware of how important it is for a company to have a memorable and unique logo that reflects its basic concept. And of course, they are well acquainted with the basic professional tools developed specifically for their creation (online logo design service Turbologo, for example).
So what is a company logo, and why is it so essential to it?
A logo or logo (as it is also very often called) is a branded graphic sign – the basic essence of a company’s visual identity and image. It is what represents the extensive system of colors, symbols, and palettes that represent the brand advertised on the outside. As a term, the word logo appeared in the early 19th century, as it became synonymous with the word ‘ligature’ (often used at the time by printers). It denoted the union of several typographic marks at once. Sometime later the word ‘logo’ will be called and a special text block, also used in the printing industry. They began to use it for stamping the names of magazines, newspapers, and catchy titles. And only sometime later, the term was already fixed in marketing, which was particularly strongly developed at that time on the wave of rising production.
How to make a great logo for a beauty salon?

The beauty industry is notable primarily because the goods and services of this industry are in demand only when they are of the highest quality. People, in general, tend to choose only the best companies for themselves, based not only on the available prices and comfortable service. Everyone likes to buy for his beloved only the most innovative and stylish products and use the services of fashion designers and stylists.
It is important to understand well that a brand name or logo is not just an image that symbolizes the style of the design studio. With its help, you can also tell about its main specialization, the level of service, and the services it provides. For this purpose, the logo uses its icon as well as text. For example, if the salon provides only hairdressing services, this will be indicated on the logo in the form of a thematic image (hair, strands of hair, tools for haircuts, etc.) or an inscription.
In addition, the logo can also tell about the price segment, as well as the strengths of the studio. These data can be transmitted to the client through the image, color, and font, which are the main elements of its logo. All of them form a complete picture in the client’s mind and a general idea of the salon.
An important function of the logo is to ensure that the company is remembered. People, once they look at your logo, will remember its appearance, as well as the name of the salon. This will help them find your studio among similar representatives in the future. In addition, a quality logo will cause trust in the brand and increase the chances that the client will choose your salon.
Of course, to do this, at a minimum, you need to be knowledgeable in logo design programs. These may include such popular programs for working with graphics as products from Adobe – Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator, but also more narrow and specialized programs such as AAA Logo. They are not so hard to find on the Internet. And you can also recommend such an excellent and specialized service for creating logos as Turbologo (www.turbologo.ru), which is a fast and high-quality online designer, equipped with a wide range of functions and templates. It’s very easy to work with and shouldn’t take much time to master.
Other tips and tricks for creating a logo of a beauty salon or other interesting beauty industry brand

- Think well about his idea and create the right elements – graphic sign, background, text, palette.
- It is also very important to select the right type of thematic pictures and the main graphic sign of the logo because it will be associated with its main basic image – style, femininity, attractiveness, etc. A combination of attributes associated with hair and well-groomed nails – this is one of the main images in this area, but also fits here polishes, manicure tools, as well as any other figurative elements of this sphere.
It is not necessary to choose a thematic image. Abstract elements such as flowers, butterflies, silhouettes of the face, patterns, etc. look good. However, in this case, should specify the specialization of the salon with the text: whether it is hairdressing services, eyelash extensions or manicures, eyebrow design, or spa treatments.
- Pay due attention not only to the theme of the image but also to its style. For a beauty salon, it’s better to use pictures with thin lines and smooth textures. This will convey lightness and sophistication. Also, the images on the logo should be of high quality. Visible pixels and blurring are not allowed (unless it is supposed to be an idea). It is desirable to select an icon in vector format. Such a picture will retain clarity when placed on various media and when changing the scale of the logo.
Our conclusions
Programs and services for creating logos today there are many, and many of them are well suited not only for professional designers but virtually any user, with a burning desire to learn them.
On the technical side, it is not so difficult and that is why today the work of creating them is a kind of ‘tidbit’ for professional designers and many freelancers. This service is offered in this market widely enough, and it is traditionally in high demand.
In this case, the designers are very important to understand the nature and idea of the logo they create, because for companies it plays an important role, in helping to identify the advertised brand and distinguish it from many others. The logo helps not only to advertise the brand but also to create a business image of the company. Today’s marketers and almost all entrepreneurs understand all this very well, and therefore responsibly approach their work, which cannot be underestimated, despite its apparent simplicity.