Astrology & Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs compatibility, their pet peeves, good traits, bad habits, astrological aspects, synastry, and much more. Scroll down and dive deep into the world of astrology.


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2nd House Ruler In The 3rd House Explained In Detail

When your 2nd house ruler lands in your 3rd house, you're in for an interesting…

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The Aries Man’s Hot And Cold Game: What’s His Deal?

Aries men are all about that passion - no surprise their astrology thing is ruled…

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The Top 3 Most Submissive Zodiac Signs (Female & Male)

Some zodiac signs are just more passive than others. Their nature is to go with…

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Don’t Make A Gemini Angry Unless You Want Trouble

You've probably heard that Geminis have two sides to their personality. Honestly, that's an understatement.…

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Here’s What Happens When You Stop Chasing A Scorpio Man

You've been putting in work trying to get that Scorpio man's attention. Always texting first,…

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7 Giveaway Signs A Scorpio Man Is Obsessed With You

You know you've got a Scorpio man hooked when he starts getting possessive. That penetrating…

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