Many astrology fans have asked this question, “can astrology predict death?” The answer is technically yes, but astrologers don’t actually talk about death with clients. Predicting death gets complicated and not every chart will have the aspects involved. Still, as someone who has been into astrology for over 10 years, I’ve noticed a few patterns in famous charts that seemed related to their deaths.
Please note: This article is meant to be entertaining, not definitive. I’m sharing some astrology ideas I’ve picked up from my own practice, other astrologers, and books over time. Take it with a grain of salt!
Challenging Aspects To Pluto
In astrology, some believe certain planetary positions involving Pluto can mean a shorter life or death. Pluto represents change and renewal, so it’s thought to be important in predicting these things.
Hard Aspects With Malefic Planets
When Pluto forms challenging angles (squares or oppositions) with planets like Mars or Saturn, it can mean incredibly tough times. These connections could bring crisis, trauma, or big problems that impact how long someone lives. The challenges might be about control, abuse of power, or going through major life changes in a difficult way.
Connections To The 8th House
Pluto’s connection to the eighth house is especially important. The eighth house is all about transformation and rebirth. If Pluto is making challenging connections to planets in the eighth house, or to the ruler of the eighth house, it could suggest some major changes that impact how long someone lives. Life events triggered by those hard planetary links may completely remake a person’s existence.
Transits And Progressions
Certain astrological events involving Pluto can have big impacts on people’s lives. Especially when Pluto is moving over or making strong connections to planets that rule your life or Ascendant.
For example, the famous Czech singer Karel Gott passed away on October 1, 2019. At that time, Pluto was making an exact opposition to his birth Sun in Cancer in the 12th house.
Another example is Marilyn Monroe. She died on August 4, 1962, when Pluto made a square to her natal Sun. Also, her Sun was right on the transit MC (Midheaven point), which represents fame and public image.
The 8th House And Its Connection To Death

The 8th house in astrology deals with transformation and change. It can show how you see death and major life changes. This part of the birth chart gives clues about how you handle endings and new beginnings. It’s connected to things like shared resources, taxes, inheritances and intimate relationships too. The 8th house explores big life shifts and how you renew yourself during difficult times.
Symbolism And Significance
The 8th house is all about shared resources, deep psychological stuff, and endings leading to new beginnings. While it’s linked to actual death, it more means the death of old ways of doing things, relationships that ran their course, or closing one chapter of life and opening a new one. Planets in the 8th house or connecting to its beginning point can affect how someone views mortality and handles loss.
When planets like Saturn or Pluto are in the 8th house of your birth chart, it can mean you have a deeper awareness that nothing in life lasts forever.
Uranus forming a strong connection to Pluto in the 8th house can also lead to a period of major change in your life. Expect big transformations, upheaval, and unexpected events. This can mean sudden shifts in things like shared finances, intimacy with others, or self-discovery on a deep level. The energy of Uranus has the power to completely remake who you are, and often in ways you don’t see coming. Charts that show Uranus in very tense relationships usually belong to people who passed away in an unforeseen or disruptive way.
Saturn Transits

Saturn is often called the “Great Malefic” in astrology. It plays an important role in predicting major life events, including how long someone may live. As the planet of karma, time, and limits, Saturn’s movements through different parts of your birth chart can give insights into critical times that may affect your lifespan.
When Saturn moves through the 8th house, which rules change and death, it can mean a period where you’re more aware of your own mortality. This time may coincide with significant life changes, health issues, or deeper thinking about your legacy.
For example, if Saturn is moving through your 8th house at the same time as Mars (they conjunct), it could potentially point to a violent, painful or long death.
Saturn Return And Life Cycles
Saturn Return happens every 29.5 years or so. The second and third ones, around ages 58-60 and 87-89, are especially important when talking about how long someone may live.
Usually, the first Saturn return at age 29.5 doesn’t actually mean you’ll die – it just means something in your life will end and you’ll move into a new stage of adulthood. After the second one, it’s time to retire from work and kick back.
The third Saturn return is when you might actually die. But again, it all depends on looking at your whole birth chart and the other aspects of your life. The Saturn Returns are important points, but there’s no guarantee about what will happen based on just that alone.
Similarly, if Saturn aligns with the position of the Moon in your 8th house, that could also indicate the end of your life. Again, keep in mind that these are just general astrological interpretations and shouldn’t be taken as definitive predictions.
Aspects To Natal Planets
When Saturn forms challenging connections to planets in your birth chart, especially Mars or Pluto, its effects will be stronger. If Saturn is squaring or opposing Mars or Pluto during its journey through the sky, you may face more stress or wellness issues that could affect your lifespan.
Algol is a binary star system in the constellation of Perseus. It’s sometimes called the “Demon Star” because one star eclipses the other every 2.86 days, making the whole system seem to blink on and off. In astrology, Algol is connected to difficult or intense things.
As of 2024, Algol is located at about 26 degrees in the sign of Taurus. Astrologers associated it with themes of change, facing dark parts of life, death, violence, and other heavy topics.
When talking about death, first look at any planets you have at around 26 degrees Taurus. Planets within 1 degree are considered connected. For example, if your Moon is at 25 degrees 20 minutes in Taurus, it’s linked to Algol.
If your birth Moon placement aspects Algol and a current Mars transit also aspects your Moon + Algol, it could point to death from a woman, mother or caused by strong feelings. But you always need to look at your whole birth chart for context. For instance, the transit Moon moves fast, so it will connect with Algol many times a year. So that alone probably wouldn’t mean much.
Negative Degrees

Astrology can give us insights into how our lives may end, based on the degrees of planets at our birth. For example, having a challenging planet at 6 degrees of Capricorn could result in a tragic death from murder over money, fame or drugs.
- Planets in difficult positions at 18 or 29 degrees can also point to a violent death.
- Meanwhile, being born with the Moon at 25 degrees of Gemini raises the possibility of death caused by a man.
- Other placements that may impact our demise include the Moon at 18 degrees of any sign, which could relate to premature death.
- Having the planet Aquarius at 7 degrees might relate to death by starvation.
- 22 degrees of Pisces could be linked with death due to depression, stress or sadness.
Many other planetary placements are said to correlate with dark themes involving death. But it’s important to also consider how the current planets may interact with our personal planetary placements over time.
Can You Tell The Exact Death Time In Astrology?
Predicting the exact time of death through astrology is really difficult. It’s kind of like trying to catch a snowflake melting in midair – you can do it, but it’s not easy.
The only example I know is a friend of mine who’s an astrologer. He was actually able to predict the specific time his longtime friend would pass away. To do it, he had to confirm the exact birth time – down to the hour, minute, and second. He also used the precise coordinates of the hospital where his friend was born. So yes, in theory, you can forecast someone’s time of death astrologically. But it is incredibly hard to nail down. You’d probably need your intuition to be on point, too.