The 8th house is one of the most mysterious ones, associated with sex, death, and transformation. An empty 8th house can suggest someone who has challenges fully embracing those intense 8th house topics. But not so fast! An unoccupied 8th house doesn’t doom you to be afraid of intimacy or unable to deal with crisis. In fact, it may give you a clean slate to develop your approach to 8th house matters in this lifetime.
Facing Death
From your perspective, death is probably something you think about in a really practical, logical way. You don’t like to dwell on your own mortality too much. You may not have much of a spiritual view of life and death. Where some people see dying as just moving onto something else or as a deeper spiritual thing, you likely just see it as existence stopping with no other meaning. Because of that, death is probably something that scares you or that you’re afraid of facing.
Having an empty eighth house in your birth chart could mean that you see intimacy as superficial, not really deep or life-changing.
With that being said, the eighth house is supposed to represent intimacy, transformation, and spirituality. So when that part of the chart is empty, it suggests those things may not be big deals or priorities for you.
You might view intimacy as pretty casual and simple pleasures instead of profound spiritual connections. There’s nothing wrong with that view necessarily, but it does indicate that strong emotional bonds and merging souls through intimacy might not come naturally to you. Intimacy is just one fun thing you enjoy among many options.
Joint Finances
Having an empty eighth house means joint finances, debts, taxes, and inheritances aren’t really a big deal or source of drama in your life. You’re probably quite independent with money and don’t feel the need to intermingle finances deeply with other people. Transforming major life changes and crises also isn’t a core theme for you right now. Overall things seem fairly calm and stable in those areas.
Personal Transformation
You are open to reinventing yourself but may do so in a calculated, methodical manner. It may take intense life events to prompt profound inner changes in your values, priorities or sense of purpose. But if you take some time to really think about who you are and why you do the things you do, you’ve got the power to turn yourself into exactly who you want to be. You just need to look inside and guide yourself through the changes in a way that feels right.
You Value Your Independence
An unoccupied 8th house suggests you value your autonomy and independence. You may be hesitant to combine finances or resources with a partner and prefer to maintain some degree of separation in your close relationships. You tend to do your own thing and not rely heavily on other people.
Change Comes Gradually
For you, big inner changes and personal growth tend to happen little by little over time. Things that totally change your life usually develop in a smooth, slowly evolving way instead of all at once in a big, sudden way. You like making changes thoughtfully over the long run instead of quick, radical complete makeovers. It’s not necessarily a bad thing but don’t expect anything to happen fast. Everything will be unfolding very gradually.
You’re Private About The Deeper Stuff
With that empty 8th house, you probably keep your deeper thoughts, feelings, wants and fears to yourself. You may take your time opening up emotionally and sharing your vulnerabilities with others. But once you do build intimacy and trust with someone, you can form a really strong bond. It just takes you longer to get to that level of deep sharing and opening up.
Even though that empty 8th house means you tend to keep those intimacy, sharing and change areas more private, that doesn’t mean they aren’t important to you or that you aren’t deep. It simply means you tend to focus inwardly and do your own thing when it comes to that 8th house stuff about getting close, sharing deeply and transformation.
A Clean Slate
An empty 8th house doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all. If anything, it means you get to craft your own journey when it comes to personal growth and close relationships. This is your chance to write your own chapter! As for me, my 8th house is packed but trust me, it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Nothing to be jealous of! 🙂