A shattered wine glass during an awkward dinner party. A cracked mirror the day of a big interview. Broken glass is never just an accident in feng shui. It’s a message from the universe telling you something needs to change. Before you sweep up the shards, take a second to listen.
You’ve probably heard that broken glass can mean good luck in some cultures. But in feng shui, the Chinese practice of placement and arrangement, broken glass is thought to have a different meaning.
The Meaning of Broken Glass In Feng Shui
In feng shui, if glass breaks in your home unexpectedly, it usually means something needs to change. When a glass shatters, it is as if there was too much stress or tension building up where it happened. Maybe the vibration in that room needs some adjustments, or the energy’s feeling stuck. As weird as it sounds, objects often talk to us.
Maybe your relationships could use some work, your health needs fixing up, or your finances need reorganizing. Or it could just be telling you it’s time to spruce up your space with feng shui. Add some new plants or art, and bring in some more color. Changing up your surroundings can really lift your mood.
Broken glass also often means it’s time to let go of things that aren’t serving you well anymore. Are you hanging onto beliefs, habits, or relationships that are holding you back? If you release them, it can open you up to new opportunities and get your energy flowing freely again.
The specific area where the glass breaks has significance, too.
- If it’s in the relationship corner of your home, it could point to issues with communicating or being close you need to address.
- In the middle, which represents health, it may mean you need some emotional, mental, or physical healing.
- And in the southeast money corner, financial blocks may need clearing out.
How To Interpret Broken Glass Based On Location
When glass breaks in your home, it usually means you have to change something. But in feng shui, the location where glass breaks can reveal meaningful messages.
In An Entryway
If you happen to have any glass break near your front door or entrance, it could mean that things aren’t too clear about what you should be doing or where you should be going. It might be a good time for some self-reflection on what’s really stopping you from moving ahead in life or starting something new.
In A Living Room
If you’ve got broken glass in your living room, that’s usually not a good sign. The living room is supposed to be a place where you can unwind and hang out with friends and family. Broken glass there might mean things are feeling a little tense or off-balance in your relationships.
It would be a good time to try and work things out if anyone’s feeling upset, and make more of an effort to really listen to each other. Your living room should be a place where you can relax, so take some time to smooth things over with the important people in your life.
In The Bedroom
Your bedroom is supposed to be your place to relax and recharge your batteries, so glass breaking there means you’re probably feeling stressed out or exhausted. Perhaps you really need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself and prioritizing sleep.
You might want to look at what’s causing you anxiety and see if there’s any way you can reduce that stress in your life. Also, try doing some relaxing things and establishing routines that take better care of your mental health.
What To Do With The Glass?
When broken glass is found in the home, it’s important to take the proper steps to remedy the situation respectfully. Broken glass represents interrupted or severed connections in feng shui, so dealing with it appropriately helps promote harmony in the space.
Clean Up The Glass Immediately
Carefully sweep up any big pieces of broken glass and toss them in the trash. Make sure to get all the tiny little shards, too, so nobody steps on them. In feng shui, anything old or broken is “dead energy,” so you want to get rid of that “dead mojo.”
Examine What Was Broken
Look at what item contained the glass—a mirror, vase, window, etc. For instance, if a mirror breaks, it could mean you need to do some self-reflection. Or if a window breaks, maybe you need to look at opening yourself up to new perspectives. A broken vase might point to needing to nurture relationships or be more caring. You get the idea – pay attention to what exactly broke because traditional symbolism says it can clue you in on what’s going on beneath the surface in your life.
Reflect On What Was Happening When The Breakage Occurred
Were you arguing with someone, feeling stressed or upset? The emotions or events surrounding the breakage can also highlight what areas of your life need balancing or harmonizing.
Address Related Issues In Your Life
Look at what relationships or projects in your own life might need some fixing. Figure out what broke and what was going on around it, and see if any of your connections could use some patching up. Then, take care of working things out in a smart, helpful way with the people involved. Don’t forget, too, while you’re at it, to think about what you can learn from all this down the road.
My Advice
The broken glass could be telling you it’s time for a change or that things are feeling a bit off-balance lately. Sometimes, objects try to send us messages. My advice? Go with your gut. Your instincts usually know what’s up better than anything. That’s what I always say to my clients – listen to your intuition because that’s where the answers lie!