Money can be powerful when you use it right. A lot of people think of money in a bad way, though, and miss chances to make more. Some even say money is evil, but that’s cause they don’t get what money really is.
Instead of blaming outside things for not having enough money, take a look around your home from a feng shui point of view. Certain spots in your place can be activated to draw in more money if you know what to do. Let me walk you through activating your wealth corner step-by-step.
First of All, What Is Money Corner?
The money corner in feng shui refers to the southeast area of a room or home. In feng shui, each direction has an influence, and the southeast represents wealth, fortune, and abundance. That’s why this area is known as the money or wealth corner.
The money corner is usually found in the southeast bedroom or living room of a home. This area should be free of clutter and obstacles to allow positive energy to flow in. You should place an object in this corner to attract wealth and prosperity.
How To Locate It
Locating the money corner in your home is an integral part of applying feng shui principles to attract wealth and prosperity. The money corner is the southeast section of any room. To find your money corner, you’ll first need to figure out which direction is southeast.
The easiest way is to use a compass or compass app on your phone. Simply point the compass north and follow it as it rotates clockwise. When the compass reads 90 degrees from north, you’ll be facing east. Continue rotating another 90 degrees, and you’ll be facing southeast. This is your money corner.
If you don’t have a compass, you can also use Google Maps to determine the southeast direction in your home. First, pull up an aerial view or street view of your house on Google Maps. Note which direction the front of your house is facing. Then, count two walls over from the front of your house and one wall down. The corner where those two walls meet will likely be the southeast corner.
Once you’ve located your money corner, take steps to activate it.
How To Activate The Money Energy
It’s time we get our southeast corner activated and working its magic!
First things first, we need to clean this corner – literally! Go ahead and clear out anything that doesn’t serve your financial goals. Sweep away any cobwebs, dust bunnies, old paperwork or cables cluttering up the space. While you’re at it, give the area a nice wipe down to remove any lingering dirt or grime. We want that energy to flow freely!
According to feng shui, certain elements are especially powerful for prosperity. Wood and water are big ones. Wood symbolizes stability and growth, just what we need to take root financially. And water, of course, represents constant replenishment – the never-ending flow of money we’re aiming for!
With the corner all spruced up, it’s decorating time. Place a nice wooden bowl in the center and drop in some real coins, nothing too old and tarnished. For a larger space, you can’t go wrong with a lively aquarium, fountain, or potted lucky bamboo. Make sure to choose plants with sturdy green stems. And no fake/artificial plants – they just won’t channel the same beneficial energy.
Fun Story About The Wealth Corner
A while back, maybe 8-9 years ago, I talked to a lady in my neighborhood. She told me to take a piece of wood and put some coins on it, and place it in this specific corner of the home. I decided to give it a try. At first I didn’t really notice a difference, but over time I felt like things were flowing better for me financially.
She also told me about another woman she recommended try this to. That lady was doing great with her online business, but then she had to go to the hospital for a little while. Even from the hospital she was still able to work her business. But after a few days there, she suddenly wasn’t getting any new orders – the money just stopped. Then, when she came home from the hospital, she found out that while she was gone, her daughter had cleaned the house and moved the wooden bowl of coins she had in the money corner into the kitchen.
The takeaway from this story is that once you establish your “money corner”, you want to keep whatever item you’ve put there to represent it. Or if you do need to move it for cleaning, make sure to put it back. This lady’s money started flowing again as soon as the bowl was returned to its proper place. After hearing this, it really made me a believer in how powerful feng shui can be for your finances. Of course, you’ll need to clean the area sometimes, so I’d say take the item out to clean, but be sure to replace it once you’re done.
Kua Numbers
Before wrapping up, let me mention kua numbers. In Feng Shui, kua numbers are an important part of determining your lucky directions and enhancing luck in different life areas.
To get your kua number, first note your gender and birthdate. For males, add the last two digits of your birth year, then subtract that from 10. For females, add 5 to the last two digits of your birth year, then subtract from 9.
Once you have your kua number, you can see your auspicious directions. For example, if you have a kua number 4, southeast is lucky. With kua number 2, northeast is fortunate.
No matter what your kua number or lucky direction is, people generally see the southeast as the direction of money and prosperity.
Interesting fact: When you go to a nail salon or restaurant run by Asians, you’ll notice a lot of flowers and fish tanks. They do this because many Asians believe in the power of Feng Shui. Places will arrange things in a certain way, according to Feng Shui, to bring in more customers and make more sales.
Key Takeaways
- Go ahead and declutter that area, and remove any dust or dirt.
- Place some items there that represent wood, water and coins to attract wealth. Some common things people use are plants, a small fountain, or some spare change.
- Be sure to keep that money corner neat and tidy. It’s also important not to move things around too much in that spot. According to Feng Shui, shifting objects can disrupt the positive money flow you’re going for.
Hope this helps give your fortune corner a boost! Let me know if you have any other questions here 🙂
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Feng Shui Kitchen: How To Feng Shui Your Kitchen The Right Way
Feng Shui Bathroom: Create Harmony & Balance At Your Home