When you think of Feng Shui, the first thing that comes to mind is probably either the furniture arrangement or the colors you use in your space. But what about plants? Believe it or not, plants are an essential part of Feng Shui and can significantly create good energy flow in your home.
By using specific plants and arranging them in certain ways, you can help to encourage wealth and abundance in your life. If you’re looking for plants that can help improve your feng shui and bring in more money, look no further! Many plants can help achieve this goal, and we’ve compiled a list of some of the best ones.

Money Tree
A money tree is a popular houseplant and a type of bonsai that is used to attract good luck and wealth. The money tree leaves are said to resemble folded bills, and the tree is often displayed in homes or businesses as a symbol of financial abundance. Legend has it that hanging a coin from the tree’s branches will bring you even more good luck.
The money tree is also considered a symbol of strength and fortitude and is said to help its owner overcome complex challenges. In Chinese culture, the money tree is believed to protect its owner from financial hardship and poverty.
A money tree can be placed near windows or doors where it receives indirect sunlight from morning until evening and inside homes with plenty of natural light during the day. Of course, it should be given enough water but not too much (because this could cause root rot). A small amount once every few days should do nicely, though, unless you’re watering it specifically for prosperity purposes – then go ahead and give it some love!
Watering your money tree with water mixed with half white vinegar and half purified water helps prevent fungal infections on its roots.
Where to place the money tree
The best location to place your money tree will be the southeast side of the house or room (the wealth corner) because this is a cardinal point, which, according to feng shui, belongs to money, wealth, and personal success.
Weeping Fig
The weeping fig has large, lush leaves, making it a popular choice for indoor plants. Its broad leaves also make it an excellent plant to use for feng shui purposes, as they are thought to symbolize wealth and abundance. The weeping fig is therefore considered a good plant in the home or office if you’re hoping to attract more financial prosperity. In addition, the weeping fig is also considered a symbol of family togetherness.
Where to place the weeping fig
The best place to place this plant is the southeast corner of the room where you work, where new ideas arise, or where you spend most of your time.

Lucky Bamboo
Lucky bamboo is a houseplant often used as a good luck charm or to bring prosperity and good fortune into a home. It’s native to Southeast Asia and typically grows in water-filled terracotta pots.
The plants get their name from the fact that the stalks of some varieties are sometimes twisted in such a way that they resemble bamboo shoots. Lucky bamboo plants can be purchased at most nurseries or garden stores, and they’re typically sold in small glass or ceramic vases filled with water and submerged roots.
Lucky bamboo is a powerful way to bring good luck and prosperity into your life. The key to getting the most out of lucky bamboo, according to feng shui principles, is to keep it healthy and thriving. So make sure you give it plenty of water and sunlight and keep the pot clean.
Where to place the lucky bamboo
The way you position your lucky bamboo plant can have an impact on how it affects your life. For instance, placing it in the southeast corner of your home or office is thought to bring wealth and prosperity. On the other hand, if you put it in a northwest corner, it is said to bring career luck. Depending on your goal, there are many ways to position your lucky bamboo.
It is said that eucalyptus can help to bring positive energy and money into your home. One of the benefits of eucalyptus is that it is a natural antiseptic that can help cleanse the air. As such, it is often used in aromatherapy to help improve indoor air quality.
Where to place the eucalyptus plant
If you are interested in using eucalyptus in your feng shui practice, you can place it near the front door of your home or office to signify opportunities coming your way. You could also use eucalyptus branches or leaves as part of a money-attracting spell or charm.
Jade Plant
Jade plants are succulents that are native to South Africa. They are slow-growing plants that can reach up to two feet tall. Jade plants have thick, succulent leaves and produce small, star-shaped flowers in the spring or summer. They are easy to care for and can be grown indoors or outdoors.
It is believed that the jade plant symbolizes good fortune and wealth and that having one in your home or office can bring you financial stability. The jade plant is not exactly a plant that will help you attract a lot of money, but it will help you keep money coming into your life and stay financially secure.
Where to place the jade plant
If you’re thinking about adding a jade plant to your Feng Shui arrangements, it’s essential to place it in a spot where it will get plenty of sunlight. This plant does not require placement on a specific site or cardinal point, so that you can place it anywhere in your house. The plant should also be kept clean and free of dust and dirt, which can interfere with its positive energy flow.

Rubber Tree
The rubber tree plant, also known as Ficus elastica, is a hardy evergreen that can thrive indoors and outdoors. This popular house plant can reach heights of up to 60 feet tall, making it an impressive addition to any home or garden.
The rubber plant is also a plant that will help you attract and keep money in your life, according to feng shui. Therefore, it is important to remember that for this plant to have the best effect on your life and financial situation, it is necessary to take care of it.
Where to place the rubber tree
As with the jade plant, rubber trees do not require a specific placement. However, for it to have any effect on your life, it is essential to have this plant where it is easy to see, so do not place it on a window behind curtains or elsewhere where it is not visible.
Bottom line
From lucky bamboo to rube trees, these plants will help increase your wealth and prosperity. So if you’re looking for a little bit of financial luck, include one (or more!) of these feng shui plants in your home or office.