So he left, and you’re wondering if your Aries man will come back. The short answer is yes, there is a possibility, but the long answer is a bit more complicated!
See, Aries men are independent, impulsive, and value their freedom. They don’t like to be tied down and want to do their own thing on their own timetable. But they also bore easily and crave excitement and new challenges.
If the relationship with you still sparks that adventurous spirit, chances are good your Aries ex will come wandering back into your life when he starts to miss that spark. Here’s how long it takes for him to come back.
Spoiler: It can take days, weeks, or months!
Know Your Aries Man’s Nature
The Aries man is independent, energetic, and loves a challenge. Understanding his nature is key to figuring out how long it may take for him to come back around.
- He values his freedom. Don’t crowd him or seem clingy. Give him space to do his own thing and pursue his interests. The more you pull away, the more likely he is to become curious about you again.
- He gets bored easily. Keep things exciting and spontaneous. Surprise him with fun dates or adventures together. Start doing things differently to keep the spark alive. If things become dull or monotonous, you risk losing his interest.
- He loves the thrill of the chase. Don’t make yourself too available or eager. Play a little hard to get and make him work for your affection. The more you seem like a challenge to win over, the more determined he’ll become to get you back.
- He’s quick to anger but also quick to forgive. If you had an argument, give him a chance to cool down. Apologize for your part and make light of the disagreement. His temper will fade fast, especially if you suggest kissing and making up!
With patience and some work on your side, an Aries man can come back around in a matter of days or weeks. But if you crowd him, become boring, or don’t issue a sincere apology after a fight, it may take months for him to return – if he does at all.
Typical Behaviors After A Breakup
After a breakup, an Aries man typically goes through a few stages.
- At first, he’ll act like nothing happened. He’ll throw himself into work, hobbies and staying busy to avoid dealing with the pain. The abrupt end of the relationship likely bruised his ego, so he’s repressing feelings to seem “tough”.
- Next, his anger and hurt may surface. His temper may flare at little things. He’ll be irritable and short with people. Let him vent if he comes to you, but don’t engage or argue back. He’s processing the loss in his way.
- Then the sadness and regret may hit. He may start to miss you and question if ending things was right. He might reach out indirectly through mutual friends to check on you, or drive by places he knows you frequent. He’s torn between stubborn pride and realizing what he’s lost.
- Finally, he’ll accept the breakup and start to move on. He’ll refocus on his own life and pursuits. While he may always wonder “what if”, he’ll be open to new relationships once he’s healed.
The time it takes an Aries to come back around depends on the depth of feelings for you, how self-aware and willing to grow he is, and who decided to end things.
His return is not guaranteed, but with patience and by giving him space, there’s a chance. The ram may yet charge back into your life, if you’re open to whatever pace a revived relationship takes.
How Long Does It Really Take For An Aries Man To Come Back?
So you had a falling out with your Aries man, and now you’re wondering how long it might take for him to come back around.
The temperament of an Aries man is fiery and passionate, so his return really depends on the level of intensity in the relationship and argument.
1 – 2 Days
If it was just a minor spat, your Aries man may come back within a day or two. Aries men typically don’t like to dwell on small disagreements and prefer to kiss and make up quickly. Expect an apology and for him to sweep you off your feet again.
A Week or Two
For a more heated fight, it could take a week or two for his anger to cool off. Even when upset, his attraction and connection to you will eventually override his ego. He’ll likely reach out casually at first to test the waters before planning an enthusiastic date to reconnect.
In the unlikely event of a major blowout, he may need a month or longer to process the situation, lick his wounds, and rebuild his confidence before attempting to win you back. The time apart will allow passions to settle and give you both a chance to reflect. When he does return, the reunion will be heartfelt, and the relationship revived.
Don’t Chase Him
The one thing you shouldn’t do is chase after an Aries man. As much as it may pain you, give him space until he comes back to you. Your patience and understanding will make his return that much sweeter.
Remember, Aries is a fire sign—his flame may flicker out for a bit but will reignite again when the time is right. Stay confident in yourself and your bond, and your Aries man will come back around like a moth to a flame!
Final Words – Stay Busy Living Your Best Life
Once an Aries man takes off, it can feel like an eternity waiting for him to come back around. But knowing his independent nature and need for personal freedom, have patience. Stay busy living your best life, give him space, and avoid seeming too eager.
In time, his adventurous spirit will lead him back to you, especially if he sees you thriving. And when he does return, with the intensity and passion that is signature Aries, you’ll be reminded of the fiery connection you share.