You’ve probably noticed some days you wake up feeling energized and ready to take on the world, while other days you can barely drag yourself out of bed. What you may not realize is that the foods you’re eating could be directly impacting your energy levels.
Whether we are aware of it or not, the vibrations of the foods we consume have a huge effect on our own energy frequencies and how we feel. Low-vibrational foods like processed junk foods, sugar, and red meat can negatively impact your energy by lowering your own vibrations.
What Are Low Vibrational Foods?
Low-vibrational foods are those lacking in nutrients and life energy. Think processed junk food, sugar, and refined carbs. These foods may taste good going down, but they leave you feeling depleted and sluggish.
Processed And Packaged Foods
Chips, pretzels, microwave meals, canned soups – anything with a long list of unpronounceable ingredients is low vibration. These foods have been stripped of nutrients and filled with artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and other chemicals.
Refined Carbs And Sugar
White bread, pasta, rice, and baked goods offer empty calories but little else. And sugar causes energy crashes, mood swings, and inflammation in the body. Both refined carbs and sugar are low in vibration.
Factory-Farmed Meat And Dairy
The animal products that come from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) have a minimal energy frequency. The animals are stressed and live in cramped, inhumane conditions. They are also treated with hormones and antibiotics, which end up in the food. Grass-fed, organic, and humanely raised animal foods have a higher vibration.
The Top 10 Lowest Vibrational Foods
The foods you eat have an energetic frequency that can either lift you up or bring you down. Unfortunately, many common foods today have an extremely low vibration that saps your energy and vitality. Some of the lowest vibrational foods include processed foods, red meat, nuts, dairy, sugar, caffeine, white flour, fast food, corn, and eggs.

Processed Foods
Anything packaged, canned, or boxed has been stripped of nutrients and life force. Chips, pretzels, microwave meals – skip them.
Red meat
While meat does provide protein, red meat like beef and pork is difficult for your body to digest and is highly acidic. Choose plant-based sources or lean poultry and fish instead.
Conventional dairy is highly inflammatory for many people. Milk, cheese, and butter contain hormones, antibiotics, and proteins that can irritate your system. Go for nut milk, coconut milk, or dairy alternatives.
Refined sugar has no nutritional value and causes energy crashes, mood swings, and weight gain. Limit sweets, candy, and baked goods, and choose natural sweeteners in moderation, like raw honey, maple syrup, or stevia.
Too much caffeine stresses your adrenals, disrupts your sleep, and causes anxiety and restlessness. Cut back to 1 cup a day or try herbal teas, which provide energy without the crash.
Fast Food
Greasy burgers, french fries, and sugary sodas are terrible for your health and mood. They are highly processed and full of empty calories, trans fats, and toxins. Your body and mind will thank you for avoiding them.
White Flour
Products made from refined white flour, like pasta, bread, and crackers, act like sugar in your body with little nutrition. Choose whole grains instead, which digest slowly and provide fiber, B vitamins, and minerals.
While eggs do contain protein and nutrients, they are also one of the most common food allergens and sensitivities. They can be inflammatory and congesting for many people. Use eggs occasionally and in moderation.
Like eggs, peanuts are highly allergenic and difficult to digest for some. They tend to be moldy, and aflatoxin is a carcinogen found in many peanuts. Almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, or sunflower seeds are better options.
Most corn today is genetically modified, highly glycemic, and can be irritating to the gut. Avoid corn chips, corn cereal, popcorn, and corn syrup. Choose organic blue corn or ancestral grains like amaranth, quinoa, or millet instead.
How Low Vibrational Foods Affect Your Body & Mind
Low vibrational foods like processed junk food, fast food, and sugary snacks weigh down your energy levels and dull your mind. Here’s how:
They Lack Nutrients
These foods are nutritionally void, lacking the vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants your body and brain need to function properly. When you eat empty calories, your body struggles to get the fuel it requires.
They Spike And Crash Your Blood Sugar
Low-vibrational foods are usually high in sugar, refined carbs, and unhealthy fats, which cause your blood sugar to skyrocket and then plummet. This rollercoaster zaps your energy and mood. You end up feeling drained and irritable.
They Negatively Impact Gut Health
A diet of fast food, frozen dinners, and snack foods wreaks havoc on your gut microbiome, which in turn disrupts the production of neurotransmitters that regulate energy, mood, and cognition. Improving gut health by cutting out low-vibrational foods and eating more probiotic-rich foods can boost your energy in a big way.
They Overload Your Body With Toxins
Chemical preservatives, pesticides, hormones, and other toxic additives found in highly processed foods accumulate in your body over time and burden your liver. Your liver is responsible for converting nutrients into energy and filtering toxins—when it’s overworked, your energy suffers. Limiting exposure to these dietary toxins by choosing whole, organic foods is vital for vibrant health and sustained energy.

Signs You May Be Eating Too Many Low-Vibes Foods
If you’re eating a diet high in low vibrational foods, you may start to notice some negative effects on your energy and mood. Here are some signs you may be consuming too many low vibes foods:
Fatigue And Low Energy
When your diet is loaded with processed junk foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats, your energy levels can start to drop. These particular types of food cause a rapid increase and subsequent drop in your blood sugar levels, resulting in feelings of exhaustion and fatigue. If you’re relying on coffee and energy drinks to get through the day, it’s a sign your diet needs an upgrade.
Irritability or Mood Changes
Low vibrational foods high in sugar, artificial additives, and preservatives can negatively impact your mood and mental state. You may find yourself feeling irritable, anxious, or even depressed. Your moods may fluctuate from highs to lows based on what you’ve eaten. Improving your diet by cutting out these unhealthy foods may help stabilize your mood.
Gut Issues And Inflammation
A diet high in low vibrational foods is hard on your digestive system and gut health. You may experience bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Inflammation in the body can also increase, causing joint pain or skin problems. Reducing inflammatory and hard-to-digest foods can improve your gut health and decrease inflammation.
Cravings And Addiction
Low-vibrational junk foods are designed to be highly palatable and addictive. The more you eat, the more you crave them. You may feel like you have little control over your cravings and find yourself snacking on things like chips, candy, and fast food even when you’re not hungry. Breaking the cycle of addiction to these unhealthy foods is important for your health and well-being.
Transitioning To A Higher Vibrational Diet

Transitioning to a higher vibrational diet will increase your energy levels and overall well-being. The foods you eat have an energetic frequency that directly impacts you. By consuming more high-vibrational, whole foods and less processed junk, you’ll feel lighter and more vibrant.
Cut Out The Low Vibrational Foods
The first step is eliminating low vibrational foods like:
- Processed sugars: Candy, cookies, sugary cereals. These spike and crash your blood sugar.
- Fast food: Burgers, fries, pizza, hot dogs. High in fat, salt, and preservatives.
- Red meat: Beef and pork. Difficult to digest and high in saturated fat.
- Dairy: Especially low-quality dairy from confined cows. It can be inflammatory and mucus-forming for many.
- Caffeine and alcohol: Stimulants that stress your adrenals and disrupt sleep.
Transition Gradually
Don’t go cold turkey. Slowly cut back on one item at a time. Replace low-vibrational foods with high-vibration alternatives, like:
- Fresh fruits: Berries, citrus, and melon are naturally sweet and hydrating.
- Leafy greens: Spinach, kale, romaine. Packed with vitamins and minerals.
- Whole grains: Quinoa, brown rice, oats. High in fiber to stabilize blood sugar.
- Plant-based proteins: Beans, lentils, tofu, nuts. Easy to digest and non-inflammatory.
- Herbal tea: Caffeine-free options like chamomile, peppermint, or rooibos tea.
Be patient through the transition. Your tastes will change as your vibration rises. Before you know it, you won’t crave those low-vibrational foods at all.
The next time you reach for that candy bar or greasy burger, pause for a sec. Is this food really fueling you with high-quality energy, or is it weighing you down with low vibration and empty calories?
Choose foods that are alive with nutrients, and your body will thrive. You’ll feel lighter, brighter, and more energized. Your mood will lift, and your productivity will soar. And if you’re into spirituality, your vibrations will rise!