If you are feeling depressed or your friends see you as a selfish person, you may need to make some changes so that you’re more personally responsible. Assuming responsibility for different areas of your life is also a great way to take control when you’re suffering from addiction or having difficulty controlling how much time you spend on the Internet or your phone.
We are going to share with you some things you can do to be more responsible, and putting a few of these into practice can transform your life and make you feel better.
Don’t Blame Others
If you blame others for bad things that have happened to you, you can get in the habit of making yourself into a victim when that is not always the case. Analyze things that have gone wrong that you have blamed on others and see if you can take some responsibility for them. At the very least, you can take some control of these things. Instead of thinking about the blame you are assigning to other people, you can think about what you can do to change your circumstances.
If someone really is to blame, don’t focus on what they’ve done wrong. Instead, you can forgive them and move forward. This will allow you to heal and to think about new things you can implement to help you get your life back on track.
Make a List of Chores and Do It
When you get into a rut of not taking responsibility, you tend to leave your duties behind. They can help you to get back to where you ought to be by making a list of chores and getting them done. Maybe you don’t have to do all of them yourself, but think about the things that need to be done over the next day or week and start working on that list.
You can start with something as simple as making your bed and washing the dishes. Once you’re able to handle small tasks like that, consider larger tasks like cleaning the house or renewing your driver’s license. Like we said, not all these things are tasks you need to do yourself. You can pick a highly sought after San Francisco cleaning service to take care of tidying the house while you focus on other things on your list. As long as the items on the list get done, you are making progress.
You will start to feel really positive about yourself and your life when you get lists of tasks completed. Be sure to mark each item off the list as it is completed, and this will help you develop more responsibility and feel a greater sense of accomplishment.

Keep and Renew Commitments
Are there some promises you’ve made that you haven’t kept? Maybe you have fallen behind on some commitments for a long time. If that’s the case, you need to apologize and move forward with renewed commitments and fulfilled promises.
Here’s how this might work. Let’s say that you promised to keep the apartment neat with a roommate. You have been slacking off and not keeping up your part of the bargain. So, to take more responsibility, you should first apologize to your roommate and renew your commitment to keep the apartment clean. Make sure you follow through on it and really keep up your commitment. Show yourself to be reliable and keep all promises you have made. Try to only make promises you know you can keep from here on out. This will transform your life and help you to be much more responsible.
Be Accountable to Someone
What is it you are trying to change about yourself or trying to stop doing? Maybe you want to cut down on your screen time or stop talking to a toxic person. If it is something along those lines, then you should get an accountability partner. This is a close friend who you feel comfortable sharing intimate details with, and you tell them what you have committed to do. Then, you let them know when you are struggling to keep the commitment or when you failed in your commitment.
Telling them about it will help keep you honest and on track. When you fall and make mistakes, being accountable will allow you to get back where you should be very quickly instead of keeping the failure a secret and not bothering to fix the problem.
Don’t Make Excuses
As you try to be more personally responsible, it is vital that you do not make excuses for yourself when you fail to be responsible. Don’t think of reasons why you can’t keep your home clean or why you can’t show up to work on time. Become someone who does not tolerate excuses from themselves.
Excuses are often methods we use to get out of doing what we know we should and even could be doing. If you see them as that, then you will start to push back against your mind’s tendency to create excuses. Be careful about enforcing that mindset on other people. You may want to come down hard on them for making excuses when you don’t know their true motives, just because you are being hard on yourself.
Anytime you make an excuse not to do something that is important or that you could easily do, stop yourself, apologize to any other person involved, and make an effort to make things right. You will become someone who accomplishes things and who is known to be trustworthy and reliable. You still start to develop personal responsibility so that you are doing what you ought to do without being told by someone else to do it.
Implementing some or all of these things into your life can make for a more positive existence. Your mindset will change, and the way people treat you will change as well. You will start to become proud of yourself and be less depressed and less irresponsible.