The Hunter’s Moon, a full moon steeped in folklore and astrological significance, will soon grace the night sky. In astrology, specifically, this lunar event gives us insights into personal growth and the energies around us.
The Hunter’s Full Moon of October 2024 will reach its peak illumination on October 17 at 7:26 a.m. Eastern Time in Aries, marking a significant celestial event for stargazers and astrology enthusiasts alike. Traditionally, this full moon is tied to harvesting and hunting at this time of year, so it carries some powerful energy that can affect different parts of our lives.
As the moon reaches its fullest point, it amplifies emotions and intuition. You might find yourself more tuned into your inner voice and picking up on subtle vibes. Often during the Hunter’s Moon people feel more driven and determined to chase after their goals, so it could give you that extra push if you’ve been wanting to accomplish something.

What To Do & What To Avoid
During the Hunter’s Moon, you’ll want to be careful about making quick choices or doing things on impulse. Since the Full Moon will be in Aries, and this sign is all about acting fast and sometimes getting aggressive, really think things through before deciding on anything important.
The strong lunar vibes can amp up your feelings, too, so your thinking may not be as clear. Instead of rushing into everything, take a breath and be mindful. Feel out your emotions without immediately doing something about it. Give yourself time to process how you’re feeling before jumping into any action.
Letting Go

Use this powerful lunar phase to your advantage. Take some time to think about what’s working for you and what isn’t anymore. Nature’s getting ready for winter, so it’s a natural time to let go of things you don’t need hanging around, like old ways of thinking, bad habits, or relationships that run their course. It might help to write it all down in a journal or just sit quietly and think. Take that opportunity to gain some clarity on what you’re ready to release from your life or perform some ritual to let go of all the past baggage. This lunar phase has real power to help with that, so make the most of it!
Since Aries is all about the head, you should definitely try getting a head massage. It can help relieve some tension and make you feel more relaxed. Also, make sure to take good care of your skin, especially your face and forehead. Hydrate well and do a deep cleanse to get rid of any gunk that’s built up.
Also, with Aries being ruled by Mars and all that fiery energy, you may have trouble falling asleep during this full moon. If you’re just laying there with your eyes open, try giving your head a good rub, reading a book, or soaking in a hot bath.
Herb Collection
Since Aries is ruled by Mars, now would be a good time to harvest some herbs associated with Mars energy. Things like ginger, rosemary, or cayenne pepper. Those herbs are really invigorating and can give you a boost in vitality and get your circulation going. And if you happen to be feeling under the weather during this time, definitely drink some ginger tea. You’ll really get all the benefits from the ginger since the Aries energy amplifies the power of any herbs connected to its ruler, Mars.
The Spiritual Meaning of The Hunter’s Moon

Spiritually, the Hunter’s moon represents a time for self-love, inner healing, and letting go of what no longer serves you. As the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder, nature is preparing for the dormancy of winter. Animals are stocking up on food and resources to survive the barren months ahead. In a similar way, the Hunter’s Full Moon calls us to stock up on our inner resources through self-care, meditation, and nurturing activities.
This full moon reminds us of the importance of inner nourishment and self-love. As we prepare for the metaphorical winter within, we must fill our cups through practices that bring us joy and peace. Reconnecting with ourselves during this full moon will give us the strength to endure any challenges the coming season may bring.
The Hunter’s Full Moon also signifies a time for releasing and letting go. Just as animals are hunted to provide sustenance, we, too, must “hunt” or identify parts of our lives that are no longer serving our growth. Releasing attachments, old habits, and negative patterns now will leave us lighter and freer to face the future.
So, as the Hunter’s Full Moon rises this October, take some time for self-reflection. Fill your soul with love and nourishment. And let go of anything that is holding you back from your highest self, ready to embrace the new beginnings that winter will inevitably bring.
The next full moon is coming up on November 15th, when the moon is in Taurus. I’ll be sharing more details about what that full moon might mean in an upcoming article, so stay tuned for more info!
Try this full moon ritual: Full Moon Money Spell (From My Grandma) That Work Like A Charm