If you’re looking for a list of positive words that start with W, you’ve landed at the right place! Below you will find more than one hundred happy and positive W words and verbs that can be used in everyday life. No technical or foreign language terms.
The list is occasionally updated if we think of another positive word that starts with the letter W.
Published: February 12, 2019. Last updated: 12 October 2022.

Wonderful | Welcome | Welcoming |
Whisper | Warm | Wise |
Well | Well-done | White |
Well-known | Well-spoken | Win |
Winner | Wanted | Whopping |
Wired | Whole | Wholesome |
Worldly | Will | Willing |
Worshipful | Wizard | Worth |
Worthy | Worthwhile | World-class |
Witty | Workable | Wealth |
Winsome | Wandering | Wondering |
Wild | Wisdom | Whopping |
Whatsoever | Wide | Wacky |
Wanderlust | Willingness | Win |
Winning | Wow | Worthiness |
Wholeheartedly | Wholeheartedness | Welfare |
Walwalun | Wake | Woken |
Walkable | Walkabout | Wangle |
Wreath | Wee | Watchful |
Watchword | Wings | Wont |
Win-win | Wink | Winsome |
Whistle | Wish | Wishing |
Whisper | Wedding | Wend |
Wedlock | Wedded | Work-out |
Warrior | Worldwide | Warranty |
Wash | Wrap | Waterproof |
Waft | Whim | Womanhood |
Willingly | Wistful | Warmth |
Well-being | Wellness | Wheeler-dealer |
Whirlwind | Wit | Wonderment |
Wanderer | Womb | Waitlist |
Welldoer | Wellday | Wellaway |
Winking | Wondrous | Whimsy |
Waste-free | While | Walkman |

Wistful Meaning
Wistful is a word that means to wish or long for something unlikely or impossible to happen. To be wistful is to look back on the past with a sense of regret and longing. The word could also be used to describe a person who is lonely or sad, or to describe beautiful music or art that makes you feel nostalgic.
Wondrous Meaning
Wondrous means extremely beautiful, amazing, and wonderful. It is a word that is used to describe something or someone that is very impressive and appealing. When describing a place, you can use the word wondrous to describe how beautiful it is.
Whimsy Meaning
Whimsy is a vague, undefined feeling that’s difficult to put your finger on. It’s a fleeting thought or image that comes and goes like a shadow. It is something that lacks definition or a fixed nature and is instead characterized by changeable moods or unpredictable ideas. It is something capricious or fanciful, irregular and impulsive in action or judgment.
Wanderlust Meaning

Wanderlust is an intense urge to travel or a ‘lust for travel or wandering.’ The term implies a strong desire to travel and explore the world.
If you didn’t find a word in this list that starts with the letter W that you think is positive, please do not hesitate to let us know here so we can update the list.
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