You walk into a club and that pumping bass hits you like a wave. The beats and rhythms just pulse through you and everything else just fades away. I’m talking techno here, not that “techno” some people confuse with disco or trance – Nina Kraviz, Carl Cox, Jeff Mills, Ellen Allien, and many other legends.
There’s just something about techno music, it really gets into you on a biological level. Those repetitive beats and synth tones just tap into our innate human love of patterns. Your brain is literally lighting up with pleasure when you surrender to the beat. I’m totally obsessed with techno, and if you are too, here’s why it’s so great.
The Science Behind Why We Love Techno Music

Techno music is designed to activate the pleasure centers in our brain. The repetitive beats, rhythms and basslines trigger the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone.
A few weeks ago, I was sitting with a pen, listening to techno, hoping to write a sad poem. But the music just filled me with so much energy! I didn’t even feel like thinking about sad things.
Techno puts me in such a positive headspace. It’s not meant to make you nostalgic or cry like some songs – it’s more of a spiritual experience for me. I can really feel and imagine deeply when I listen. It’s like an escape where I feel good and free. Jumping on a techno track is like blasting off in a rocket ship with no limits!
Over the years, I’ve also noticed differences in the music tastes of my friends. All the friends who are into spirituality tend to love techno. Meanwhile, some friends who listen to sad romantic songs daily seem less happy. Of course, the music you like doesn’t define you – just an observation!
No Lyrics

Techno music is all about the beat. The thing I love about techno is that it has no lyrics, no singing and you are the one to make your own story in your head. Without lyrics, your mind is free to wander. The repetitive electronic sounds can put you in a trance-like state, giving your brain space to imagine and create.
As someone who enjoys this genre myself, I find the lack of lyrics very freeing. It allows my mind to just flow freely without being directed. The steady rhythmic beats almost seem to put me into a light meditative state. Some of my best creative ideas have come to me while lost in a techno track. Whether I’m working on art, writing, or even daydreaming, techno just seems to spark the imagination.
The steady beat of techno music also activates the reward circuit in your brain, releasing dopamine that makes you feel good. The more you listen, the more dopamine gets released, putting you in an almost euphoric state. And since there are no lyrics, you can imagine anything at that given moment.
You can dream, visualize your dreams, or even do some form of art. I love writing or painting when techno music is on. To me, techno is one of the most powerful tools for accessing different mental states.
Final Words
When I was going through a really rough patch a few years ago, everything just seemed hopeless. That’s when I discovered the world of techno music. As soon as those hypnotic beats started flowing through my headphones, it was like I entered a whole different state of mind.
All of my worries and troubles seemed to just melt away. Without any lyrics to distract me, I could fully immerse myself in the rhythm and sounds. It was so liberating to just lose myself in the music. Over time, I started to see techno almost like meditation. It helped me detach from my problems and find inner peace.
When I listen to a set now, I close my eyes and can visualize what feels like a perfect utopia. The repetitive pulses paint a picture of a world without stress or sadness. It’s pretty cool how music that some people write off as “just noise” or “repetitive beats” has become so meaningful to me. So next time your friend is jamming out to what seems like the same beat on repeat, cut them some slack!