I recently came across several videos on TikTok talking about the number 28, both in general and angelic numerology. All TikTokers agree on one thing – the number 28 is a sign of wealth, or better said, a secret code to wealth used by the elite and the richest.
Some TikTokers mention, for example, multi-billion dollar companies like Rolex that deliberately put the number 28 on their watches. Or Steve Jobs’ date of birth, which, when you add up all the numbers, adds up to 28 (February 24, 1955, = 2+2+4+1+9+5+5=28.)
Coincidence? Maybe. But I don’t believe in coincidences. The day we are born, open a company, have a wedding, give birth to a child, or die is not a coincidence. I believe that, as the old saying goes, “everything is written in the stars.“
In recent years, you may have heard about several, as some call them, conspiracy theories, and to everyone’s surprise, most of them have come true. Conspiracy theories have become a reality, and more and more people seem to have their eyes opened.

Now, I’m not going to discuss conspiracy theories or anything happening in the world. Not only will Mars be retrograde soon, which makes people more aggressive and irritable, but it’s not my favorite subject. Instead, what I want to talk about is the number 28, both in general and angelic numerology (angel number 28.)
I want to show the connection between wealth and these numbers and why they could actually be the secret key to wealth. We will also look at how to harness the power and potential of this number.
28 in numerology
If you open a book of general numerology, you will learn that the number 28 is one of the least lucky numbers. It is often called the number of bad luck or unfortunate events. Some believe that the number 8 symbolizes karma or a karmic life, and the number 2 represents the number of times you have to fight off bad deeds from past lives or clean up your karma.
But modern numerology perceives this number differently. It is a number of tremendous power, respect, and authority.
People born on the 28th day of the month are independent and strive to succeed. They do not need reverence or respect. It’s the vision of money and material wealth that ignites their engines. Their feelings and wisdom usually guide them.
It’s the same with people with a life path number 28 (after adding the date of birth, they get the number 28, similar to Steve Jobs.) These types of people desire nothing more than financial freedom; to be themselves, their own bosses, and directors of their own lives. They don’t have bad intentions, but they tend to steal ideas or do something that doesn’t benefit others just for their own good.
What is interesting, however, is the fact that they don’t want to be rich to buy expensive things and show the world how successful they are. They see money as a means to provide themselves and their family with comfort and security. People with the number 28 are very warm, and when they manage to become rich or get a large amount of money, they are very generous.

People with the number 28, both life path number and date of birth, are not born millionaires. Often the opposite is true. They may have problems with finances or saving money because they don’t know how to work with the number 28.
Their road to wealth can be long and full of obstacles. But because they are born with natural strength and stubbornness to go after their goals no matter what, they can eventually achieve wealth, mostly late in life.
So, summarizing this, we can agree that the number 28 symbolizes wealth, determination, and a strong will in numerology. People born on the 28th day of the month or having a life number 28 can achieve wealth and great success when they awaken the power that lies dormant in them.
Angel Number 28
If you keep seeing the number 28 every day, you are probably receiving a sign from the angelic realm. If you don’t know what angel numbers are, I’ll try to explain briefly. Each of us is surrounded by guardian angels who protect us and guide us through life. And no, you don’t have to be religious to have your angel.
Angels watch over us every day and give us signs to guide us. Some people get signs in the form of random coins on the ground; other people find white feathers under their feet every day. And other people get signs in the form of numbers, including me.
The most common angel numbers include, for example, 1111 (11:11 on the clock), 2222, 911, or 777. However, an angel number can take any form, even 28 or a single digit, such as 1 or 9. If you keep seeing 28 daily (on license plates, clocks, social media, or anywhere else), it is a sign from the angelic realm.
Through this sign, the angels convey happy news regarding finances or the success you will soon receive. This number is most often associated with karmic rewards. That is, when you do something good for the world, animals, or people. And it can also be something you do unconsciously (for example, you volunteer at a cat shelter, collect plastic around the house, feed a homeless cat, etc.)
Angel number 28 is a sign that you will be rewarded for your good deeds and that you are doing a great job. Maybe you think you’re not doing anything good for others or for the planet or that you don’t deserve anything. But why not open your heart and believe? Believe that you deserve the best because you do!
How to use the “28 secret wealth key”
There are several ways to harness the potential of this number in your life, even if you weren’t born on the 28th of any month or have another life path number. These are the most common ways:
License plate number 28
Nowadays, almost anything is possible, even a license plate with your own text or number. So the number 28 on the license plate is something that could help you use this number to your advantage. The license plate is not like a sticker that loses its quality over time for various reasons. The license plate is an identity, both yours and your car’s.
Calendar or poster with 28
If you have a shop or restaurant, placing a calendar, picture, or poster in front of the entrance is an ideal way to keep the flow of customers. If you have any idea of what feng shui is, you may have already noticed that many Asian restaurants or large companies have an aquarium in their building. This is because, according to feng shui, the aquarium symbolizes flow.
Positive affirmations x28
Positive affirmations are short statements we say to ourselves. It has been proven that water can change its shape when we speak to it positively or negatively. And when we imagine how much water the human body is made of, we find that affirmations can also influence our lives.
The longer you repeat affirmations to yourself, the more you begin to believe them until, eventually, what you say to yourself actually happens. Regarding the number 28 and affirmations, it is a good idea to repeat your favorite affirmation 28 times in the morning and 28 times in the evening for as long as you like.
Some experts recommend using affirmations for at least 21 days, but I have been using them daily for several years. I don’t think 21 days is crucial. Try telling yourself you are rich 28 times a day and watch your life change.

Nikola Tesla’s Method
Nikola Tesla believed in cosmic vibrations and the power of numbers more than any other inventor. Namely, he believed that the most powerful numbers were 3, 6, and 9. When people learned in modern literature about his belief systems and the fact that everything in the universe vibrates – every atom in our body, stars, numbers, and even a tiny speck of dust, they tried his 3-6-9 technique. And they succeeded.
This technique is about writing your affirmation or desire on a piece of paper. Every morning, you write it down three times. In the afternoon, you write it down six times. And in the evening, yes, you guessed it, nine times.
As for the number 28, it is recommended to do the same technique: to write down your dream, desire, or affirmation 28 times every morning and 28 times in the evening.
28 is the number of wealth and prosperity. Most people believe that this is the secret key to wealth used by the richest. While there is no direct evidence that this is the key to unlocking massive wealth, many things point to it. After all, a revealed secret isn’t a secret anymore, so why would the rich tell us?