Nowadays, nearly everyone is familiar with the concept of angel numbers. Even so, only some understand them. Perhaps you wake up every night at 3:33 or look at your phone every time it reads 12:12, yet you still don’t understand what those numbers mean to you the combination tries to say.
Naturally, you go to Google and start reading what those numbers mean. “You’re on the right track!” or “Your life is about to take a positive turn!” are probably the most common interpretations. But, if that were the case, wouldn’t everyone be on the right track, successful, loved, and rich? And most of all, why would these numbers keep popping up everywhere?
Angel Numbers Are “Fluid”
For me personally, angel numbers serve as indicators of where we stand in life or how we are doing. Grabovoi, Nikola Tesla, and all the great scientists agreed that numbers are made of energy, just like the phone you are reading this article on or the chair you are sitting on. In other words, everything in the universe is energy.
All numbers and their vibrations are very individual and mean something different to each of us. Like water, the energy of numbers is fluid, which means that the meaning of angel numbers varies according to circumstances.
Take angel number 1111 as an illustration. After the manifestation, it can be a sign that your wishes are beginning to come true. Nevertheless, in the context of a twin flame separation or breakup, this number wants you to prioritize self-care and self-love.
A Sign To Trust The Process
Seeing angel numbers after manifesting is a sign to trust the process and divine timing. I know this may sound a bit corny because any spiritual guru will tell you that divine timing is everything. But that’s really how it is.
Angel numbers encourage you to go with the flow and trust that everything will come to you at the right time. It could be tomorrow, in a week, in a month, or in a year. It all depends on how aligned you are with your dreams and goals and how much you truly believe you will achieve them.
As the old saying goes, “faith is taking the first step,” angel numbers want you to believe. Faith is the foundation of everything, including achieving your goals. So, if you manifest something, believe that you will achieve it, and do not doubt whether, when, or how you will attract it. Believe it so you can see it!
Warning Signs
It may surprise you, but angel numbers can also serve as warning signs in some cases. I recently wrote an article on this topic: Warning Signs From Angel Numbers
For example, let’s say you’re trying to attract a specific person into your life, and right after that, you start seeing 666, 606, or 555.
We’re not saying it’s not possible, but when you focus on an object, or rather a person, who has free will, you’re at a freezing point because you can’t manipulate free will.
If this is the case for you, then angel numbers are encouraging you to redirect your thoughts and set other goals. Instead of that specific person, it may be a better choice to visualize anyone who has the qualities and characteristics of that specific person.
Sometimes, we are too focused on the material, and even in these cases, angel numbers serve as a warning sign that this is not the best choice and that you should manifest something else.
Dreams Coming True
Imagine driving a car and looking at Google Maps. As you continue driving, the kilometers decrease, and you get closer to your final destination. You may already see signs with the name of that city and know you’re coming.
Similarly, angel numbers can indicate that you are getting closer to your goal. In other words, they suggest that what you have been manifesting or prayed for will soon come to pass.
Look especially for numbers like 1111, 1234, 1212, 1717, and 777. These resonate with progress, achievement of goals, and manifestation. If you see other numbers, then look online for their meaning and think about how they resonated with you.
Letting Go
Manifestation is something that I often compare to making a purchase. You choose the item you want, make the payment, and then patiently await its arrival.
It’s unlikely that you would continuously monitor your computer to check if the order has been dispatched or its current location. There is no doubt in your mind about the arrival of the goods since you have already made payment for them.
The process of manifestation follows a similar pattern. It requires a clear understanding and visualization of what you desire, along with trust that it will come into your life.
Angel numbers that appear after manifestation serve as a reminder to release attachment to your wish. All that remains is to be ready and open to receiving what you have asked for. There is no need to doubt yourself or your worthiness.
Your guardian angels want you to release any lingering doubts and have faith that what you desire will soon come to fruition. Prayer follows a similar pattern. When angel numbers appear after praying, it signifies that your prayer has been acknowledged and answered.
Common Angel Numbers
Here are the most common angel numbers often seen after manifesting or praying:
- 111 or 1111: Your prayers and wishes have been answered.
- 1212: You are energetically aligned with your goals.
- 222: Manifestation of your highest ideals through cooperation with the universe
- 333: An encouragement to trust your creative (manifesting) abilities.
- 444: Your guardian angels are guiding you towards your goals.
- 555: Embrace the new chances and opportunities that come your way.
- 666: Don’t be overly focused on material concerns.
- 777: You are on the right spiritual path.
- 888: It’s time to reap the rewards of your efforts.
- 999: The completion of a major phase in your life.
Seeing angel numbers after a prayer or manifestation signifies that you should release any uncertainties because your dreams are starting to materialize and your prayers have been answered. Sometimes, these numbers can act as warning signs or simply a gentle whisper in the ear saying, “hey, everything is alright!“