Death and The Magician – when these intense energies combine in a reading, hold onto your pointy hat – big changes are brewing! But don’t worry too much because the Magician is all about having the power and skills to control situations. So, even though something big may be brewing, you’ve got the tools you need to steer things where you want them to go.
The Death Card
Death isn’t always literal in Tarot. More often, it represents things ending and transitions happening in your life. When Death shows up in a reading, it’s telling you that some kind of change is coming your way.
The Death card signifies that something in your life is coming to an end, whether that’s a relationship, a job, or even where you’re living. When you get that card, know that even though whatever is ending might be difficult, the change that’s coming will actually transform your life for the better in the long run.
The Magician Card
The Magician card is all about manifestation, action, and awareness. It means it’s time to get things moving! Tap into your inner strength and make those dreams come true. This card shows you’ve got what it takes to get the job done. Time to access your full power and potential!
When Death And The Magician Combine In A Tarot Spread
When the Death and Magician cards appear together in a reading, it signifies that big changes are on the horizon. Death means things are ending, and transitions are happening. Meanwhile, Magician is all about fresh starts and taking initiative.
Putting those two cards together signals something unexpected is about to go down, and you’ll have to roll with it and get something new cooking. Since Magician represents the person who makes things happen, it’s telling me this change is actually in your hands. You’ve got the power to steer how this all goes down.
You Have The Power To Manifest
The Magician is telling you that you have all the skills and abilities you need to handle this transition with ease. You’re capable and creative, so use those powers to make the future you want appear. It’s time to start moving towards fresh starts with a positive attitude and willpower. Perhaps the path isn’t clear yet, but you have everything you need inside to carve your own road.
A Window Is Opening
If you get those two Major Arcana cards, Death and the Magician, it means a new door is opening up for you even though another one may be closing. Endings are always a little bitter and sweet, but they pave the way for fresh starts.
Getting these two suggests this is your chance to move into new opportunities and the next phase of your journey. Even if it feels weird, embrace what’s changing with an open mind and heart. A window is opening – it’s time to walk through to what’s next.

What This Combo Means In Love Readings
If the Death and Magician cards show up together in a love reading, it means you’re closing out an old pattern in how you do relationships. Looks like a new chapter is starting to unfold though!
The End of The Past
The Death card represents endings and transformations. In love, it may mean the end of an old relationship that no longer serves you or the conclusion of unhealthy relationship patterns from your past. And the Magician card, that one’s like your heart starting to open up again after going through a tough time. You’re ready to start attracting good things into your life once more.
Taking Action
The universe is encouraging you to put yourself out there more when it comes to your relationships. The Magician is suggesting that you might have a little crush on someone but you haven’t told them yet. Now’s the time to take a chance and let them know how you feel. And even if it doesn’t work out, at least you tried and won’t be left wondering “what if?”.
A Window of Opportunity
The combination of Death and Magician can signal it is a good time for relationships in your life. The old stuff has fallen away, and now you’ve got an opportunity for something new. Whether it’s meeting someone new or spicing things up with your current person, now is the perfect time. With these two cards together, it seems like your connections are ready for a positive change. When that door to the past closes, let your inner magician guide you to what’s next.
This combo is telling you it’s time to shake things up and let go of any beliefs that are holding you back. It’s time to take a leap of faith, start pursuing your dreams, and let the past version of yourself fade away. Only then can you truly blossom into who you’re meant to become. Scary and liberating all at once!