Tarot Cards & Spreads

Yes, no, or maybe? Does he or she love me? Should I travel or buy the house? Tarot cards can be well useful for getting insights into your relationships, health, and finances. Here are our favorite card layouts and what their meanings are.


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Meanings of Colors In Tarot: Red For Passion, Blue For Peace

You've probably seen those colorful tarot cards before and were wondering what's up with all…

9 Min Read

New Love Tarot Spread Layout

Are you curious to learn about the potential future of your love life? Are you…

2 Min Read

Manifestation Tarot Spread Layout (9 Cards) – Manifest Your Desires

Ever wondered what the universe had in store for you? Manifestation Tarot spreads provide a…

2 Min Read

Tarot Spread Layout For Travel, Trip, Vacation (7 Card Spread)

Traveling the world can really change your life, but it's also a big decision that…

3 Min Read