Our world is really complex. There are thousands of laws that governments come up with but the entire universe actually follows only 12 basic rules. The way I see it, everything that happens out there is governed by these 12 universal laws.
Once you learn what they are and see examples of them in everyday life, you realize how everything is connected. Want to hear me explain the 12 laws in my own words with some real-world examples?
The Law of Divine Oneness
Every atom in your body is made of the same elements that formed stars, planets, and everything in the universe. We are interconnected in the most fundamental way.
When you smile at a stranger, it makes them feel good, too. Little acts of kindness, no matter how small, positively impact the world in a ripple effect. We influence each other in visible and invisible ways through our energy and interactions.
Since we are all connected, we should aim to uplift one another. Be kind whenever possible – you never know the struggles someone else faces. Your kind words or gestures could make a world of difference in their life. Together, through understanding and kindness, we can create positive change.
Example: When we make fun of other people, in a way we’re also making fun of ourselves. We’re all in this together. We all go to the bathroom, breathe the same air. There’s this connection between everything – plants, trees, animals, all of us humans.
The Law of Vibration
Everything in the universe is always moving around. Nothing ever really stops. From the tiniest little atom all the way up to the biggest galaxies, everything is shaking and vibrating. Even stuff that seems solid is just molecules and atoms bouncing around if you look closely enough.
Einstein was real smart – he figured out that all matter is made of vibrating energy. So even a rock or a tree or the phone you’re reading this article at, it’s not really solid, it’s just tiny pieces vibrating so fast that it looks solid.
The frequency at which something vibrates determines what it is. A low, slow vibration results in a dense, solid form like rock or metal. A high, fast vibration results in a lighter form like gas or energy. The frequencies in between result in water and other liquids.
Your thoughts and emotions also vibrate at frequencies. When your frequency is low, you may feel bored, tired, or sad. At a higher frequency, you feel excited, passionate, or joyful.
Example: Imagine walking down the street, thinking negative thoughts, and everything starts going wrong. People are tripping over themselves to get out of your way; you drop your phone, and some man spills his coffee all over you. Bad luck? Nope. If you’re walking around vibing at a low frequency, low-frequency things, people, or events are going to find you.
The Law of Action
If you want to achieve your dreams and goals, you have to take action. Thoughts and intentions alone are not enough. You have to get up and do something to make your desires a reality.
The law of action is one of the fundamental principles of success and achieving your goals. Dreams and visions are important, but without action, they remain dreams and visions. You have to take that first step to start manifesting what you want. “Money does not grow on trees.”
Example: If you want to lose weight, you can’t just think about exercising and eating healthy. You actually have to go to the gym, work out, and cook nutritious meals. If you want to build a successful business, you can’t just dream about it. You have to develop a business plan, create products and services, build a website, and market to potential customers.
The Law of Correspondence
This law states that the outer world reflects the inner world. In other words, what’s happening outside of you is a mirror of what’s happening inside of you. Ever heard the quote, “Show me your friends, and I will tell you who you are?” Everything is a mirror.
The inner and outer are constantly influencing each other in a two-way street. As within, so without; as above, so below. Focus on aligning your inner state with what you want to experience in your outer world. Then, watch as the magic unfolds.
Example: If you’re experiencing chaos and drama in your relationships, job, or finances, that’s a reflection of inner chaos or lack of clarity within yourself. When you make the inner shift to more harmony, order, and clarity, your outer world will transform to reflect that.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction, my favorite one, states that whatever you focus on, you attract more of into your life. Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality. If you think positive thoughts about wealth, success and abundance, you attract more of those things. If you dwell on lack, negative experiences and hardship, that’s what you invite into your life.
Don’t waste mental energy thinking about what you don’t want or don’t have. Instead, visualize and affirm what you do want. The more you focus on your desires and believe you can have them, the more the universe will send you opportunities and open doors to achieve them. Your positive thoughts are like a magnet, drawing your goals and dreams closer to you each day. The Law of Attraction works for everyone – 24/7.
Example: Imagine you are thinking about this old friend you haven’t seen in years. Then, out of nowhere, you are at the grocery store, and who do you run into? You guessed it, the same friend! That’s what they call the law of attraction. Basically, your thoughts can draw things to you, whether they are positive or negative. And the less you obsess over the outcome, the faster it’ll actually come to you instead of stressing about it.
The Law of Cause And Effect (Karma)
The law of cause and effect states that for every action, there is a consequence. This is also known as karma. Karma means that everything you do, good or bad, will come back to you. So, if you spread positivity, kindness, and goodwill, that is what you will receive in return. However, if you deliberately cause harm to others, you will face negative consequences in the future.
This law teaches us that we should be mindful of our actions and how they might affect ourselves and those around us. Be kind whenever you can. Help others in need. Make choices that you will not regret. Your actions and behavior shape your destiny, whether you like it or not.
Example: Imagine you went through a bad breakup and just couldn’t accept that you and your ex weren’t together anymore. You’re tempted to Google black magic spells, just hoping you could somehow get them back. Or maybe you find yourself wishing them bad luck, hoping something goes wrong for them. But you have to be careful with that negative energy. Chances are, if you’re sending that out into the world about someone else, it’s probably going to come back to bite you somehow.
The Law of Compensation
The Law of Compensation, similar to the Law of Karma, says whatever you put out, you get back. So if you do good things for others, good things will happen for you too. And if you’re negative or mean, that negativity will come back to you.
This spiritual law teaches us that the energy we put out into the world comes back to us. So, if you spread kindness, generosity, and goodwill, the universe will send you all the good in return. On the flip side, if you emit anger, greed, and hostility, that negative energy will also return to you in some form.
Example: There were these two people applying for the same job. One person was really confident and ready, they had their stuff together. The other person wasn’t really prepared, they just kind of needed a paycheck. Who do you think got the job? The prepared person, of course. They knew their stuff and actually cared about the work, so it all worked out for them.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. According to this law, energy is constantly changing from one form to another. The energy of the universe is in a perpetual state of transmutation and is moving between different forms.
Energy can’t actually be destroyed or created, it can only be transmuted or changed from one form to another. So whether it’s potential, kinetic, heat, light, sound, or any other type of energy, it is constantly being transformed and reshaped in the universe. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy reminds us that change is the only constant in life. Energy flows, and it’s always on the move. Nothing ever really rests.
Example: Thoughts, feelings, and intentions carry energy that influences our reality. When we release negative emotions, they transform into positive energy and higher vibrations. What initially seemed like loss becomes fuel for new creation and growth.
The Law of Relativity
Everything is relative, depending on your perspective. The truth you see depends on your frame of reference. For example, time seems to speed up as we age, but for a child, the school day can feel endless. Likewise, a challenging situation may appear either stressful or exciting, depending on your mindset.
The key is recognizing that there are many ways of looking at the same thing. Try walking in another’s shoes to gain a more balanced view. Understanding the relativity of truth and keeping an open mind helps reduce conflicts and fosters compassion.
Example: Imagine you are feeling frustrated about your slow progress on a work project. You were putting in long hours but not seeing the results you wanted. You began to feel like a failure. However, when you talked to a friend who was struggling to find a job at all, your situation suddenly seemed much better.
The Law of Polarity
The law of polarity states that everything in life comes with an opposite. Day and night. Hot and cold. Love and hate. Black and white, Bitter and sweet. These opposites exist together and need each other to be defined.
Without the darkness, we wouldn’t appreciate the light. The hard times in life help us treasure the good times. Struggles build character and make us stronger, allowing us to fully embrace times of ease and comfort.
Accepting this universal law of polarity leads to greater balance and harmony. We can’t control life’s ups and downs, but we can choose to not resist them. Go with the flow. Find the silver lining.
Example: Everything you’ve gone through really helped shape who you are now. If you never had to deal with that painful breakup with your ex, you probably never would’ve met your current partner.
The Law of Rhythm
The universe constantly moves in cycles and rhythms, like the ebb and flow of the tides. Nothing remains the same, as all energy is in a constant state of motion and change.
Just as day turns into night, the seasons cycle through spring, summer, fall, and winter. The economy moves from expansion into contraction and back again. You go through energetic periods of activity and rest in your own life.
Rhythm and cycles are part of the natural order. When times are good, appreciate them, but don’t become too attached, as the wheel will turn. When times are difficult, remember that this, too, shall pass.
Example: Imagine that you tend to work very intensely for a few weeks, focusing all your energy on projects and tasks. Then, almost inevitably, you start to feel burnt out and need a break. You take a few days to recharge your batteries, relax, and re-center yourself. After some rest and renewal, you feel your energy and motivation returning, and you’re ready to dive back into work with gusto once more. “Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished.”
The Law of Gender
According to the Law of Gender, everything has a masculine and feminine aspect: day and night, hot and cold, sun and moon, fire and water, logic and intuition, etc. These opposing yet complementary forces exist in all aspects of the universe.
Within yourself, you also have masculine and feminine qualities. Traditionally, masculine qualities include assertiveness, logic, and competitiveness, while feminine qualities incorporate creativity, empathy, and nurturing abilities. Developing both the masculine and feminine qualities within yourself leads to balance, wisdom, and mastery over life.
When you apply the Law of Gender to life and work, you begin to notice how these opposing forces complement each other. In business, for example, the masculine drives the competitive actions that lead to progress, while the feminine fosters teamwork and relationships that maximize cooperation.
Example: You take pride in being tough and having muscles. But to really connect with someone emotionally, you’ve to lean into your feminine side. And for ladies, it’s important to stand up for yourself and embrace your masculine side when times are rough.
My Final Advice
Remember that there are no coincidences. Everything is connected. I know life can throw some tough times at you, but just keep your head up – there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. And if you’re feeling weak as a woman, maybe it’s time to tap into your masculine side.