You’ve heard it before – someone sees a series of repeating numbers like 1:11 or 3:33 and calls them “angel numbers.” Supposedly, these number patterns are divine messages or signs from above, right? Not so fast.
While the Bible contains a few verses with these number combinations, the concept of “angel numbers” actually comes from New Age spirituality, not Scripture. Here are a few unfiltered facts – no sugarcoating, and why I believe the Bible and angel numbers don’t mix.
Angel Numbers Are Not In The Bible
Angel numbers are a popular New Age concept, but they aren’t referenced in the Bible. Sure, you’ll find passages with “angel numbers”, such as 11:11 (Jeremiah – You cannot escape punishment..) or 12:12 (Romans – Be joyful in hope..), but these passages have nothing to do with angel numbers or their alleged spiritual meanings.
There is simply no evidence that angel numbers were used in the Bible to communicate with people. The Bible was written thousands of years ago, so if angel numbers were meant to be a divine communication tool, you’d expect them to at least be mentioned. But they aren’t.
Spirituality x Religion
Just because angel numbers aren’t directly mentioned in the Bible doesn’t prove that they don’t exist. Personally, I’m a strong believer in their meaning and significance. However, my view is that they aren’t necessarily signs from biblical angels or Jesus but rather communications from the Universe itself.
To me, the universe encompasses everything around us as a vast field of energy. Much like all the things we interact with daily – our phones, the chair I’m sitting in, our physical bodies and thoughts – it’s essentially made up of energy, too.
Galileo Galilei was insightful when he said that mathematics is the language the universe speaks. From my perspective, angel numbers can be seen as one way the universe relays messages to us using numbers.
It stands to reason that different number sequences would carry distinct meanings since each number vibrates at its own unique frequency. So, 1111 likely signifies something else compared to 666 or 1717. The universe may be using numbers as a way to get our attention and impart guidance in a way that’s understandable to us.
The Term “Angel Numbers” Comes From New Age Spirituality
The concept of “angel numbers” actually originates from New Age spirituality, not the Bible. The author and spiritual teacher Doreen Virtue popularized the idea that certain number sequences, like 111 or 1234, are messages from the angels. She suggests that the angels use these repeating number patterns to communicate guidance, encouragement, or warnings to us.
It is interesting to note that Doreen Virtue, the founder of the term “angel numbers,” distanced herself from angel numbers and anything spiritual because she came to believe she had found God!
Some people do report seeing number patterns, like 11:11 on the clock, with unusual frequency. However, most scholars agree there is no evidence that these number sequences represent angelic communication or guidance, as Virtue and others claim. The Bible does not specifically teach that angels directly communicate or intervene in our lives in this way.
Of course, for those who find meaning or comfort in believing angel numbers provide divine guidance, that is a personal choice. But it’s important to understand that the Bible itself does not actually teach or validate this New Age concept. The notion of angel numbers comes from modern spiritual teachings outside of Christianity. Angel numbers are New Age.
Angel numbers are basically just a name that caught on overtime for seeing repeated numbers. But you can call them whatever you want – spirit numbers, synchronicity, repeating digits. It’s all the same thing, really. Whether you say angel numbers or just numbers, it doesn’t change that the universe seems to have a way of communicating with us in this quite magical or coincidental way.