Whether you’re a history buff or simply looking for new hobbies, metal detecting could be for you! Even though it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, metal detecting can be a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. It’s also a great way to get some exercise and spend time outdoors while improving your mental and physical health.
If you’re on the lookout for new activities, check out these health benefits of metal detecting.
It’s Good for Your Mental Health
One of the best things about metal detecting is that it’s good for your mental health. Yes, it’s true that digging up old coins and rings can be a bit tedious, but it’s just a part of the game. The important thing is to have fun while doing it, and if you do, you’ll be in good shape.
This is because metal detecting is a great pastime for people who like to get outdoors and stay active. You can walk for miles with a metal detector, and it doesn’t require you to be an experienced treasure hunter. All you really need is a little bit of curiosity and the ability to look at things in a different light.
Once you find your first treasure (even if it’s not a very old coin), you will feel a surge of positive energy and a desire to continue the search and find more. For me personally, metal detecting is comparable to plugging a discharged phone into a charger. Every time I feel mentally down, I take a metal detector and go “charge my personal batteries“.
It increases your activity level
One of the best things about metal detecting is that it encourages you to get up and move. You see, while searching for lost treasures can be a bit tedious at times, it also requires a lot of physical activity. In fact, you’ll need to be in reasonably good shape to even start metal detecting. Not every metal detector is lightweight and not every terrain is flat, with no hills, rocks, or bushes.
However, this doesn’t mean that you or your family can’t get into the act. You can simply take turns walking the detector, and this will encourage everyone to get their activity levels up. You can also hunt for coins, jewelry, and other items while hiking, jogging, or cycling, which will make it more fun for the whole family.
If you are not very physically fit, start with light terrain that does not require too much energy, such as a beach, flat meadow, or plowed field. Over time, you will see that your energy and strength increase. The time spent walking with a metal detector runs very fast and you often walk several kilometers even without being aware of it.
It reduces stress
Stress is a big no-no for people who want to stay healthy. It can lead to a whole host of health problems, including high blood pressure, anxiety, and heart disease. Luckily, metal detecting is a great way to reduce your stress levels.
You see, treasure hunting is a bit like a puzzle. It’s a game of sorts where the object is to solve a puzzle using clues that often lie in the tiniest of details. This can be a bit stressful at times, but it’s also a great way to clear your mind. Plus, you’ll often find that you get really into treasure hunting once you start to relax.
In addition, most treasure hunters look for places without people, such as meadows or forests, because not everyone likes to be looked at by others, so spending time in nature is a great stress reducer in itself.
Metal Detecting is Good for the Environment
This is something that many people don’t think about, but it’s very important. Just as you wouldn’t drive a car if you were to pollute, metal detection has to be done the right way. For example, if you find beer caps, foil, or other waste, it would be good if you carried a bag and took this waste from nature and threw it where it belongs.
It may not sound like a health benefit, but over time you will see that it makes you feel good that you have done something good, and that is also important for your health. When you think about it after a while and remember how much waste you have removed from nature, it will certainly warm your heart.
My favorite metal detectors
Metal detecting is a great hobby, but it can also be a financially crippling one. The cost of purchasing and maintaining a metal detector can quickly add up. As a result, it’s important to buy the right metal detector for your needs. These are two detectors that I own and that I highly recommend, both for beginners and professionals.
Nokta Makro Simplex+
If you are a beginner with a tight budget, Nokta Makro Simplex+ is a good choice. This detector is one of the best detectors under $400, and, in addition to being easy to operate, it also excels in being fully submersible up to 3 meters. Simplex + was my first detector to help me get acquainted with metal detectors, how they react to certain materials, etc. Even though this detector is so cheap, it is among the top in its price category. Even accessories such as pinpointer, headphones, or digging tools from the Nokta Makro brand are of high quality.
Current price of Nokta Makro Simplex+:
Minelab Equinox 800
The Equinox 800 is my second and current detector. If you already have some experience with metal detectors and want to take your experience to the next level, Minelab Equinox 800 is the way to go. Compared to Simplex+, the Equinox 800 is a really powerful device that you will fall in love with very quickly. And with that comes a higher price. The Equinox 800 exceeded my expectations and there is nothing I would miss about this detector.
Since it’s a bit of a pricey detector, it would definitely be good if you could try it first. Try asking your friends if they don’t own this detector, or contact your detector dealer.
Current price of Minelab Equinox 800:
Metal detecting is a great hobby that can be done by anyone, even kids. All you need to do is get out into the great outdoors and start looking for coins, rings, and other items with a metal detector. You’ll find that it’s not as tedious as you might have originally thought, and you’ll probably end up having a ton of fun while you’re at it. In addition, you will feel good both mentally and physically.
If you’re looking for something new to do, or you just want to get in shape and enjoy some outdoor adventure, metal detecting could be just the thing for you!