Every time there was a full moon, my head started pounding like a drum circle. It took me a while to figure it out, but there was actually a reason for those headaches, and it had nothing to do with the amount of tequila I had last night. The full moon has a powerful, energetic effect that can wreak havoc on your physical and emotional self.
As the moon exerts its strong pull on the tides, it also pulls on the water in your body. Since your brain is made up of about 75% water, it’s particularly sensitive to these lunar tugs. The result is often a splitting headache or migraine as your brain struggles to adjust to the moon’s influence. But don’t pop an Advil just yet – that headache is trying to tell you something.
The Beautiful Mystery of The Full Moon
The full moon has a mysterious pull. As it illuminates the night sky, its lunar energy also stirs our inner tides. For some, this can manifest as physical symptoms like headaches, migraines, or insomnia.
The moon governs water, and our bodies are over 60% water. During the full moon, gravitational pull causes the water levels in the soil, oceans, and our own bodies to rise. For those sensitive to these energetic shifts, this can cause headaches or pressure in the head.
The Spiritual Meaning of The Headache During Full Moon
A headache during a full moon could be a sign that you’re more in tune with the moon’s energy than you realize. Our bodies are over 60% water, so the moon’s gravitational pull can have effects on us physically and spiritually.
You May Be An Empath
Empaths are highly sensitive to the energies around them, including the moon. The full moon’s energy can feel overstimulating, resulting in tension headaches, migraines or pressure. If you tend to feel overwhelmed in crowds or drained after social interactions, you may be an empath.
Your Intuition Is Heightened
The full moon amplifies our intuition and psychic abilities. This can make us feel overstimulated mentally and emotionally, translating into a physical headache. Pay attention to any intuitive hits or flashes of insight you receive during this time. They could be meaningful.
You Need To Release Pent-Up Energy
The full moon signifies completion and release. Your headache could be a sign you need to let go of old habits, thought patterns or relationships that no longer serve you. Sit down and take a deep breath, or do a full moon release ritual to free yourself of what’s holding you back.
You’re Out of Balance
The moon’s energy can throw us out of whack, especially if we’re not grounded or centered. Make self-care a priority around the full moon. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake, spend time in nature, do light exercise, and engage in relaxing activities. Staying balanced and hydrated can help alleviate your headache and any discomfort.
You Are Going Through Big Changes
During a full moon, you may experience headaches that seem to come out of nowhere. This can be a sign that you’re in a period of transformation and personal growth.
You may be questioning old beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you. This process of letting go of what you once thought was true can bring up feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, or loss of identity. Your headache is a signal to slow down, be gentle with yourself, and listen to your intuition.
There may be unresolved emotions surfacing that you’ve pushed aside. The light of the full moon illuminates our inner world, bringing awareness to the emotions and memories we’ve buried. Give yourself space to work through challenging feelings. Be open to gaining a new perspective on past events.
You could also be on the verge of an emotional or spiritual breakthrough. The full moon’s energy amplifies our intuition and innate wisdom. Pay attention to dreams, synchronicities, such as angel numbers, and sudden insights. They’re meant to guide you to greater understanding and inner peace.
The spiritual meaning behind your full moon headache is that you’re evolving into your highest self. Though uncomfortable, embrace this opportunity for growth.
Bringing Things That Have Been Hidden Within Your Subconscious Mind To The Surface
During a full moon, the extra light can bring subconscious thoughts and feelings to the surface that you may not be aware of. Have you ever noticed an increase in vivid dreams or restlessness around this time of the month? This is the full moon energy at work.
A Message From Your Higher Self
That pounding headache you get each full moon could be a message from your higher self that there are emotions or situations in your life that need to be addressed. The light of the full moon acts as a spotlight, illuminating parts of yourself that you may usually ignore or push down.
Your headache is a reminder to slow down, go within, and see what comes up. Some questions to ask yourself include:
- What unresolved emotions am I holding onto? Resentment, regret, fear, etc.
- Are there any unhealthy situations or relationships in my life that need to change?
- What limiting beliefs or patterns are ready to be released?
Releasing and forgiving, whether through a ritual, meditation or prayer, will help ease your headache by clearing stagnant energy and allowing your higher self to relax. Your headache is simply a messenger, so try not to judge it too harshly. Instead, show gratitude for the wisdom and guidance it provides.
Bottom Line
That pounding pain in your skull during the full moon isn’t just chance or coincidence. Your body is deeply connected to the cycles of the moon and the shifting energies all around you. When the full moon rises, it often brings buried emotions and spiritual insights bubbling up to the surface. The headache is your body’s way of releasing and purging what no longer serves you to make space for renewed clarity and wisdom.
Rather than popping pills to mask the discomfort, try going within. Breathe into the pain and listen for the messages trying to come through. Do some journaling, listen to calm music, or just lay down in your bed and think about your dreams and goals. The spiritual journey often isn’t easy, but the rewards of insight and awakening are well worth it.
Your headache is a reminder that you’re alive, you’re growing, and you’re infinitely connected to the great cosmic dance happening all around you each and every full moon.