For travelers, the letter C can conjure up a world of possibilities. From the charming cities of Europe and the Caribbean to the colorful cultures of Asia and Africa, there is an abundance of cities, countries, continents, accessories, and other travel-related words that start with C.
From the Caribbean to Cambodia and from Cairo to Costa Rica, these travel C words will help you explore the world like never before.
City | Country | Continent |
Caribbean | Cruise | Car |
Car rental | Cab | Culture |
Camping | Cabin | Customs |
Carrier | Courier | Currency |
Coast | Compact | Camera |
Caravan | Check-in | Check-out |
Charter | Culinary | Countryside |
Checkpoint | Companion | Castle |
Colloquial | Cuisine | Campervan |
Connoisseur | Car-sharing | Carabiner |
Compass | Canteen | Charger |
Cooler | Commuter | Community |
Compression socks | Cart | Circumnavigation |
Countries That Start With C
There are over 20 countries and islands that start with the letter C. Some of them include:
Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada |
Czech Republic | Chile | China |
Colombia | Costa Rica | Croatia |
Cote d’Ivoire | Cuba | Cyprus |
Chad | Channel Islands | Central African Republic |
Cape Verde | Congo | Curaçao |
Cayman Islands | Caribbean Netherlands | Corsica |
Comoros | Crete | Cancún |
Read also: Positive Words That Start With C – Cool C Words Sorted By Letter Count
Capital Cities That Start With C
These are the nine big or capital cities starting with the letter S that I can think of. Do you know any others? If so, please let me know.
Canberra, Australia | Caracas, Venezuela | Cairo, Egypt |
Callao, Peru | Castries, St. Lucia | Chisinau, Moldova |
Conakry, Guinea | Copenhagen, Denmark | Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Final Words
Some of the most common travel words that start with C include camping, country, city, currency, camera, compass, or check-in. Which of the above words is your favorite and why?
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