Angels are often depicted as benevolent guardians, but some things can actually stop them from coming to your place. Your thoughts, what you intend, what you do, and even the items and vibes in your home all really matter when it comes to getting angels to visit or not.
Negative Energy And Emotions
The vibes in your place make a difference. If there’s lots of anger, fear or resentment hanging around, it prevents angels from entering your home and brings bad energy into your space. That negativity might act like a forcefield keeping the good energy out.
Arguments and constant anger aren’t great for anyone. It could be blocking your guardian angels from coming round! Your heavenly helpers want to lend you their support, but if your home is filled with toxicity, it might be too much for them to handle.
Clutter And Disorganization
Physical clutter and disorganization in your home can affect more than just your mood or productivity. Some people believe it can even impact spiritual or angelic energy flowing through your space.
The idea is that when there are things everywhere – papers piled up, cables all over the place, dust coating surfaces, dirty dishes in the sink, laundry piled on the couch, you open the fridge and nothing looks appealing – it all creates energetic blockages. Almost like traffic jams for angelic presences. They can’t move around your home as freely when it’s in total disarray. This is the kind of clutter that’s said to obstruct angels.
Lack of Intention And Invitation
Angels are often perceived as respectful beings who do not impose their presence without invitation. They don’t just pop into your space unless they’ve been asked.
If you’ve been wondering why you haven’t sensed any angel energy around, it may be because you haven’t explicitly invited them in. But here’s the good news: opening up your home to them is quite easy. All it takes is setting a clear intention to welcome their guidance and sending them a heartfelt invite.
Most of the time no special rituals are needed. You can just find a quiet moment to meditate, or even just relax your mind. Then speak to the angels as if you’re talking to a friend. Let them know they have an open door policy at your home.
Spiritual Disconnection
If you aren’t really into spirituality, it can be harder to feel their presence. But developing a spiritual practice, like meditation or prayer, can really help open you up. Spending time bettering your connection to what’s beyond just our world makes you more aware of “higher matters.” And once you’ve strengthened your awareness, angels may start making their way into your space and even offering up some guidance. Just taking those small steps, like regular prayer or meditation, could totally strengthen your bond.
Negative Influences
Some things around your house might scare off angel vibes. Anything related to negativity, like backward crosses, could give angels bad vibes about your place. And doing harmful things yourself or watching violent shows might bring the energy down. Angels prefer positive vibes, so if you want them around, it can’t hurt to fill your space with love instead of darkness.
How To Invite Angelic Presences Into Your Home
Inviting angelic beings into your home can be a life-changing experience. It creates a calmer, more positive vibe and helps you feel at ease. Their presence lifts your spirit and leaves you feeling safe.
Purify Your Space
To begin, cleanse your home of negative vibes. Do a physical and spiritual clean. Start with decluttering and deep cleaning your living areas. Then use energy cleansing techniques like smudging with sage. Or you can use sound cleansing with bells or singing bowls. These practices help clear out stagnant energy and make your space feel pure and welcoming for good spirits.
Create Sacred Spaces
Set aside certain spaces just for that. It could be a small table or shelf as an altar, a corner for meditation, or even a full room for prayer and reflection. Decorate these areas with things that have angelic vibes, like crystals, feathers, or religious icons. Keep the spaces tidy, neat, and filled with good thoughts and intentions.
Elevate Your Vibration
There’s no secret that angels are drawn to high-vibrational environments. Here are a few simple ways to lift the vibes in your home:
- Play some feel-good tunes or relaxing nature noises. Music and sounds have a way of shifting your mood.
- Burn some essential oils or incense. Look for pure, natural scents that soothe like lavender or citrus.
- Hang up art that puts a smile on your face. Pictures of nature, acts of kindness – anything that spreads good vibes.
- Add a plant or fresh cut flowers. The life energy they bring is uplifting.
Invite Through Prayer And Meditation
Make time each day or at least twice a week to connect with your spirituality. Talk to God or your guardian angels through prayer or meditation. Tell them you want help and guidance from angelic beings. Ask specific archangels or types of angels to work with you by name. Michael is good for protection. Raphael helps with healing.