I’m sure you’ve had this wild experience where you have the most vivid dream one night, and then the next day, you find out that your friend or partner or whoever had literally the exact same dream. I know, it sounds insane, but it’s happened to me more than once. The first time it happened, I was weirded out, but in a good way. It was like experiencing déjà vu but in dream form.
Mutual Dreaming
“Mutual dreaming” is where two people report having startlingly similar dreams on the same night. For instance, you could dream about your partner who lives far away, just hanging out and drinking coffee with them. And then when you talk about it, they tell you they had the exact same dream! They were drinking coffee with you too.
And it doesn’t always have to be doing the same things in the dreams. Sometimes, it’s enough that you just dreamed about each other. One person dreams of the other and vice versa. When you compare notes later, that confirms you were mutual dreaming.
Possible Explanations For Why Two People Might Dream About Each Other

A Deep Connection
When two people share an intense emotional or intellectual connection, it’s not unusual for them to dream about each other. If you and another person get each other on an emotional or intellectual level, it makes sense that you’d think about them a lot when you’re awake. And all those thoughts can leak into your dreams.
If you find yourself dreaming about somebody you really click with, it’s probably because they’re important to you and live rent-free in your head, even when you’re snoozing! It could be a partner, someone you love, or even a mentor or other important person in your life.
Unresolved Feelings or Issues
Dreaming about each other on the same night could mean there are feelings you haven’t really dealt with when you’re awake, like being attracted to them, feeling nervous, guilty or even mad. Your brain works through things while you sleep that you might not think about as much during the day.
If things were left unsaid between you and that person, or you never really resolved some issues, your dreams could be trying to help you figure all that out or make you notice it. It’s also interesting when both people dream about each other after breaking up – that probably means you both still have some things to talk through or the relationship isn’t fully over, even if you aren’t together anymore on the outside.
Longing or Desire

When dreaming of someone, especially someone distant or unavailable, it often signifies a longing for them, a desire for closeness or intimacy. Your dreaming mind conjures them up to fulfill wants that can’t be met in waking life, at least not currently.
Like the Law of Attraction says, your thoughts become things. Since you’re always thinking about them and sending your energy their way, that’s why you both end up dreaming about each other on the same night. But it doesn’t automatically mean they have feelings for you too. They’re just receiving the energy you’re putting out in your dreams.
A Warning or Message
Some people believe that dreaming about each other might be your subconscious trying to tell you something about that person. It could be trying to get you to notice something you’ve been overlooking or pointing out a gut feeling you have about them or your relationship. The different symbols and situations in the dream might represent ideas or intuitions that you haven’t fully realized or admitted to yourself while you’re awake.
Wrapping This Up..
If you and your partner both dreamt about each other, I wouldn’t just write it off as a coincidence. Take it as a sign that your connection runs deeper than you realize. And even if it’s someone like a friend or mentor, it could mean your relationship is really strong. On the other hand, if this happened with your crush, there’s a good chance they just picked up on your vibes in their dreams.