You’ve been feeling like that Capricorn guy just isn’t making time for you lately. No text replies, calls going straight to voicemail – it’s like you vanished off his radar. Capricorns can be a bit private with their emotions. Let me give you a few possible reasons why he’s pulling away based on your astrology signs.
A Closer Look At This Man
Once you’ve caught the eye of a Capricorn man, you may find yourself puzzled by his behavior. Capricorn men tend to be practical, ambitious, and disciplined. They’re focused on their work and personal growth. If he’s not giving you much attention, don’t take it personally. Capricorn men tend to ignore a woman when they’ve got a lot on their plate or feel like things are piling up. Nothing against you – they just get really wrapped up in achieving their goals.
His Independence
Capricorn men like doing their own thing and not needing anyone else. So even though he might be into you, he’s still going to want his alone time to do his own things and recharge. If he doesn’t get back to you right away, it’s probably because he’s focused on something else he’s working on. Give him some time (hours or days) and space and he’ll come back around.
He Moves Slowly In Relationships
Capricorns take their time when it comes to opening up and committing. They like to feel things out and make sure there’s real potential there before they go all in. So if he seems a little distant, he’s probably just getting comfortable. Keep showing you’re interested, chances are he’ll come around in his own time.

He Expresses Himself Through Actions
Capricorn guys aren’t usually the best at showing their feelings. But don’t just listen to what they say, watch what they do. If he’s making an effort to see you, wants you to meet his crew, and you are talking about what’s next, then you’re definitely on his mind even if he isn’t constantly hitting you up. Actions speak louder than words with these zodiac signs.
Why He Ignores You Based On Your Zodiac Sign
There are some clues in his zodiac sign. As an earth sign, Capricorn men value practicality and stability. So, if you’re coming on too strong or seem emotionally unpredictable, he may pull away.

Aries Woman
As a fire sign, an Aries woman’s passionate nature may be off-putting to the grounded Capricorn man. He may see her as reckless or impulsive. If she gives him space and focuses on her own interests, his ignoring behavior is likely temporary. But if she smothers him, he’ll remain distant.
Taurus Woman
Taurus women have a more relaxed and indulgent nature. This can seem unambitious or lacking direction to a Capricorn man. He may perceive you as too laid back and not serious enough about your goals. Improving your work ethic and showing more ambition in your career could possibly help change his perception.
Gemini Woman
The social, flirty Gemini woman’s fickle nature won’t mesh well with the Capricorn man’s desire for commitment. He may view her as flighty or insincere and will ignore her to avoid wasting his time. Unless she can reassure him of her loyalty, this pairing is unlikely to work out.
Cancer Woman
Cancer women tend to be very nurturing, caring, and emotionally expressive. While these are wonderful qualities, a Capricorn man may find this intensity overwhelming at times. He needs space to process his feelings and emotions at his own pace. The fast pace of a Cancer woman’s emotions can cause a Capricorn man to withdraw and avoid confrontation.
Leo Woman
The Capricorn man may find the Leo woman’s bold and outgoing personality to be overwhelming. Capricorns value self-control and discipline, which can clash with Leo’s more free-spirited and dramatic traits. The Capricorn man might worry that getting involved with the Leo woman could lead to drama and instability, which he tries to avoid.
Virgo Woman
Capricorns seek partners who can match their drive and ambition, while Virgos want a calm, organized partner. This mismatch in needs can cause Virgos to seem overly critical or nitpicky to Capricorns, which may make the Capricorn man lose interest and start ignoring the Virgo woman. Virgos also tend to have high standards and want a lot of reassurance, which Capricorns may not have the patience for.

Libra Woman
Capricorns are very independent and self-sufficient, so the sociable and people-oriented ways of Libra women may not match their preference for more solitary activities. Libra women enjoy having many friends and acquaintances, while Capricorns prefer a small circle of close relationships. This mismatch in communication and socializing styles could cause a Capricorn man to withdraw or ignore a Libra woman in an effort to preserve his independence.
Scorpio Woman
Capricorn and Scorpio are opposite signs in the zodiac, so there may be some natural friction in the compatibility of their personalities. Capricorn men tend to be practical and reserved, while Scorpio women can be intense, emotional and passionate. This contrast in temperament may cause a Capricorn man to pull back or withdraw from a Scorpio woman. He may feel overwhelmed by her intensity and need for emotional intimacy.
Sagittarius Woman
Adventurous Sagittarius’ free spirit will clash with the Capricorn man’s practical side. He may see her as irresponsible or unrealistic. When he ignores her, it’s often because he feels she lacks direction or purpose. For this match to succeed, she must show her ability to focus while still embracing her independence.
Capricorn Woman
When a Capricorn man and Capricorn woman first meet, there can be an instant attraction and sense of understanding between them. But as time goes on, they may find that their independent spirits and intense career focus cause distance to grow between them. A Capricorn man may begin to ignore a Capricorn woman because he feels she is distracting him from his goals or he worries that being in a relationship will limit his freedom and options. He need his autonomy and self-reliance above all else and sees a relationship as a potential burden rather than an asset at times.
Aquarius Woman
A Capricorn man may ignore an Aquarius woman because he may perceive her as too unpredictable, strange or eccentric. Capricorns seek stability, routine and predictability, so an Aquarius woman’s free-spirited and spontaneous nature may make a Capricorn man uncomfortable and uncertain. He may worry that he cannot fully understand her or rely on her in the way he wants from a partner. This perceived lack of compatibility could cause the Capricorn man to withdraw and distance himself from the Aquarius woman.
Pisces Woman
The emotional, intuitive Pisces woman may overwhelm the rational Capricorn man with her sensitivity. He is likely to ignore her when he feels confused or unable to provide the emotional support she needs. However, her compassionate nature also intrigues him. If she gives him space to come to her in his own time, this can be a balanced match.
You Are More Than Your Sun Sign
Don’t forget that your zodiac sign isn’t everything. Even if you’re a flirty Gemini, erratic Aquarius or down-to-earth Taurus, you can still be with a Capricorn man. Just know that he needs his alone time to focus on his goals and career – that’s what’s most important to him.