She blocked you on every platform out there—Instagram, WhatsApp, Viber, TikTok, Facebook, you name it! I can definitely understand how you’re feeling, or at least have a little idea, because I recently went through something similar. Except I was the one doing the blocking!
With this guy I was talking to, we mainly used WhatsApp and Instagram, but he would also send me TikTok videos and Snapchats. Things started out great, but over time, I felt like he was suffocating me. It just got boring and annoying. In fact, it got to the point where I really couldn’t stand hearing about him or from him anymore.
If a girl blocks you everywhere like she did to you and what I did to that guy, it usually means you really screwed up, and probably did something really personal. Think about it – going through all your social media and messaging apps to block someone takes a lot of time and says a lot. She doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore, anywhere.
It’s like in crime shows – instead of just shooting at you from far away (blocking you on only WhatsApp or Instagram, where you talked the most), she came right up in your face and blocked you on everything. In crime shows, they call that a “personal hit” or a “personal murder.”
She Lost Trust In You
I bet you know that feeling when the ground is pulled out from under you. That’s probably how she felt. Maybe you lied to her one too many times or didn’t follow through on promises you made. You could have acted shady or sneaky in a way she just couldn’t get past.
You’re probably regretting what you did, hoping you can apologize and hit restart, but remember, we’re all different. This girl likely wants nothing more to do with you from here on out. Betrayal isn’t easy to deal with, and she’s probably just trying to forget you and all the things you did.
Your Actions Didn’t Match Your Words
You were always sending her those sweet messages, telling her how you felt, but when it came time to actually spend time together, that’s when you’d flake. Bailing on plans, saying you’d call, and then not following through. After it happened enough times, she realized all those nice things you said didn’t mean anything. The only way for her not to keep getting disappointed was to cut you off completely.
Put yourself in her shoes for a second. How would you feel being with someone like that? Blowing hot and cold all the time. I bet you’d stop talking to them too, just to not have to hear all the empty promises.
You Became Overbearing And Smothering
Checking in all the time, volunteering to help with chores, showering her with compliments – it was really sweet. But after a while, it started to feel a little suffocating. You never really gave her space to breathe. That’s exactly what I was going through with this one person. They would bombard me with texts, always showing up wherever I happened to be. And if I didn’t reply, they’d get so mad and text me even more!
Like they say, “Too much of a good thing is too much,” and I think you crossed a line there into being a bit much. A lot of girls find that really off-putting because it makes the person seem so clingy and needy. It just gets to be a bit desperate. The only way she could get some breathing room was to block you on everything.
You Were Jealous And Possessive
The constant accusations and not trusting her probably took a real toll over time. A little jealousy here and there is normal in a relationship, but perhaps you took it way too far – it became toxic. You were basically poisoning your relationship with how insecure you were.
You Couldn’t Respect Her Boundaries
Blocking someone who just doesn’t respect your space is an act of self-care. Maybe you kept pushing even when she said she wasn’t comfortable, wanting your way no matter what. Or blowing up her phone with calls and texts, even when she asked for some breathing room. Ignoring what makes someone feel comfortable probably made her feel like she didn’t matter as if her boundaries were nothing.
She Felt Unsafe
Blocking someone on all platforms is an extreme measure, so there must have been a legit reason she felt it was necessary for her safety and well-being. Perhaps your behavior towards her crossed boundaries and made her feel distressed or frightened. Constant unwanted messages, showing up unannounced, stalking or threatening her are never okay.
If she blocked you abruptly after previously engaging with you, it’s likely your actions caused her discomfort. Maybe you said something inappropriate that upset her or would not leave her alone after she asked for space. When someone puts up a boundary, you HAVE TO respect it. If you don’t and keep bothering her, that’s considered harassment and will totally freak her out to feel unsafe where she’s at.
She Felt Obligated To Cut Off Contact
Sometimes blocking is the last option when someone just won’t stop contacting you after you’ve asked them to. If she already told you she didn’t want to hear from you anymore, but you kept hitting her up anyway, blocking was probably the only way she felt she could get the message through your head loud and clear.
She did it to look out for herself! I mean, put yourself in her shoes for a second. What if some person just wouldn’t leave you alone after you told them to leave you alone – how would that make you feel? You’d probably want to do something to get them to back off, too.
My Advice
I’ve been in your girl’s shoes before, and I can imagine how it feels for you, but you have to take a step back now. Go grab a coffee with the boys or hit up the movies – anything to get your mind off her for a bit. I know you want to reach out, but you have to leave her be for now. If she wants to unblock you later, she will. But making fake profiles or trying to contact her friends will only make things worse. Just do your thing!