You’ve heard of soul mates, but did you know there’s something even more intense and powerful out there? Twin flames. These are souls that are literally the other half of your own soul. When you meet your twin flame, your life is irrevocably changed. But with such a profound connection comes a challenging journey – the twin flame ascension process.
This spiritual awakening you go through can be difficult and painful at times. Your life gets turned upside down as you shed layers of ego, heal old wounds, and evolve into the person you were always meant to be. The symptoms may be unpleasant, but they signify you’re dissolving outdated beliefs and energies to make room for unconditional love and purpose.
The Purging Process
The purging process can be difficult but necessary. As your energies merge, the lower vibrational energies need to be released from your fields. This often manifests in physical ways, like nausea, dizziness, or flu-like symptoms. Emotionally, you may feel irritable, anxious, or moody.
Heightened Intuition
Your intuition is expanding, allowing insights and epiphanies. Pay attention to any signs, symbols, or weird coincidences that seem to happen too. It’s a good idea to keep a journal and write down anything you notice or any dreams you have – especially if the dreams feel really vivid or like they might mean something more. Also, you may start seeing certain numbers, shapes, or patterns popping up that you swear you never used to notice before.
Changes In Perception
You’re awakening to new possibilities and higher truths. The old ways you used to think and act – they aren’t really helping you out like they used to. This shift in perception and values can be disorienting but leads to greater freedom and authenticity. The way you used to look at things and the routines you had are feeling less and less right.
Testing Periods
Things may come up that push your buttons or make the past stir up uncomfortable feelings. When it happens, try to respond with kindness and acceptance instead of just reacting. See any disagreements as a chance to become closer by really listening to each other and trying to understand different points of view. Open up and talk it out, instead of letting problems fester.
Bliss And Ecstasy
You’ll also experience moments of profound joy, bliss, and ecstasy with your twin flame. Cherish these glimpses of heaven on earth. Let the love you share lift you up and inspire you to spread more of the same into the world.
Physical Ascension Symptoms
As your spiritual awakening accelerates, you may experience some uncomfortable physical symptoms. Don’t worry, these are normal signs of ascension and an indication your energy is shifting to a higher vibration.
Fatigue And Exhaustion
The ascension process requires a lot of energy. You may feel profoundly tired, like you can’t get enough rest. Light exercise like walking or yoga, or anything to get the blood flowing a little bit without wearing yourself out too much can help.
Sleep Disturbances
You may have trouble falling asleep or wake up frequently during the night. Ascension symptoms tend to feel amplified when it’s dark out. Before hitting the hay, try doing some light stretches or unwinding with a good book or calming tunes. Something inspirational or relaxing could help you drift off more easily. Nights can be rough with all that’s changing in your body, so do what you can to soothe yourself before shutting your eyes.
Body Aches And Pains
You may have unexplained neck pain, back pain, joint pain, or muscle aches as your body releases old energy patterns and transforms. Gentle massage, hot baths, and over-the-counter pain relievers can provide relief. Nothing to be alarmed about, just your body doing “its ascension thing.” You’ll feel better before too long.
Changes In Diet or Eating Habits
You may experience changes in appetite or crave lighter, purer foods. Honor what your body needs. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Headaches And Dizziness
Pressure in your crown chakra or third eye area is common. Headaches that persist or are severe can indicate a need to rest or slow down. Drink plenty of water, limit screen time and meditate to relieve pressure. If headaches are frequent or intense, see a doctor.
Emotional Symptoms
You may feel strong feelings of anxiety, fear, sadness, or grief come up unexpectedly. Don’t be alarmed – this is past pain, trauma, or negative emotions clearing from your energy field. Let the feelings move through you; don’t resist them. Your twin flame may mirror these emotions back to you as well.
Feelings of bliss, joy, and unconditional love will also arise powerfully at times. Enjoy these moments and share them with your twin – they help to strengthen your bond and raise your vibration.
Spiritual Symptoms
Your intuition may become very strong, and you gain access to wisdom and insights you never had before. Pay attention to signs, synchronicities, and messages from Spirit. Spirit’s trying to point you down your path and make sure you’ve got all the help you need to find your way.
Vivid dreams, visions, and a desire to connect with your higher self will increase. Meditation and creative pursuits like art or music help to tap into this. Discuss your experiences with your twin flame, as they may be sharing them too.
You may experience “downloads” of light and information that leave you feeling spaced out or dizzy. Rest as much as possible while integrating these downloads. They are upgrading your frequency and activating your light body.
The ascension process with your twin flame, though intense, will strengthen your connection and prepare you both for your soul’s highest purpose. Support each other with empathy, compassion and unconditional love. The rewards of ascending together are profound and life-changing.
The Challenges Will Make You Stronger
Through the purging of old energies, awakening of psychic senses, and remembering of your true divine nature, you’ll emerge transformed and ready for your soul’s highest purpose. Stay strong in your conviction, keep the lines of communication open with your twin, and know that you have celestial support guiding you each step of the way. The challenges you face will only make your union that much sweeter.