A lot of people don’t like clowns. Their costumes and makeup are really exaggerated and can look scary. The big, colorful wigs and heavy makeup make them look frightening, especially their smile.
When I was a kid, I was super afraid of clowns. It was hard for me to fall asleep without thinking about clowns hiding behind my bed or door. These thoughts would then come into my dreams.
If you recently watched a scary clown movie or were thinking about clowns before a dream, then it’s probably not a big deal. But if clowns haven’t crossed your mind at all lately, and then you dreamed about them, it means your dream is trying to tell you something.
The Symbolism of Clowns In Dreams
In the real world, clowns are seen as fun and bring laughter. But in dreams, clowns can mean something different. That’s because many people feel fear of clowns. We don’t know who they really are under their makeup. And clowns can laugh one moment and then cry the next. This means they can wear different masks at the same time.
A clown in a dream might symbolize something unknown. It could also mean things are an illusion or there’s uncertainty. The clown could represent something false. It might even mean there is excess or something absurd. Or the clown could be someone who has those qualities or acts that way.
Spiritual Meaning
Dreaming about clowns often means illusions, deception, and lies. Clowns are meant to entertain and make us laugh, but they also represent exaggerated personas and characters that are not genuine. So clowns in dreams may symbolize people or situations in your life that seem fun and harmless on the surface but have an element of deception underneath.
Clown dreams often indicate a need to see through illusions to gain clarity. The exaggerated costumes, makeup, and behavior of clowns show how easily they fool people with a facade. The dream may represent some parts of your life where you have been “fooled” in some way or deceived by something that seemed harmless at first.
The dream could also mean there is someone in your life who isn’t being completely real with you. Maybe they’re not showing you their full self or true intentions. It’s possible they’re putting on an act to disguise what’s really going on.
It could be someone who’s really good at hiding how they really feel. For example, they might make it look like everything is perfect when really things aren’t so great. They might be doing some shady stuff behind the scenes that you don’t know about. Or it’s also possible there’s someone close who’s living a double life and trying hard to keep it secret from you.
A clown dream is usually a sign that there’s someone not being straight with you. They could be lying to you or misleading you about who they really are deep down. Keep your eyes open and trust your gut.

Clowns Attacking or Chasing You
Dreaming of clowns chasing you suggests you have anxieties about unfamiliar people or situations in your life. You may feel uncertain or lack a sense of control.
But clowns also symbolize a fear of being laughed at. They are meant to make people laugh, so clowns in dreams can represent feelings of vulnerability, self-consciousness or a worry that others are laughing at you. Perhaps there are situations in your waking life that leave you feeling exposed or concerned about how others perceive you.
Aggressive or attacking clowns in dreams point to feelings of inner conflict. The clown’s cheerful appearance contrasts with their menacing behavior, reflecting an internal clash between positive and negative emotions within yourself. You may have a desire to lighten up and have fun, but also feel weighed down by worries or responsibilities.
Other Scenarios
Seeing a happy clown in your dream means you may be hiding your true feelings behind a smile. Or someone close to you acts happy but is hurting inside.
A sad clown represents the opposite – someone who looks sad needs help, but their life is actually going well. This often hints at a liar who asks for donations online while being fine financially.
Clown makeup in a dream shows someone has bad intentions. They plan what to say carefully to trick you into believing them.
Dreaming of yourself as a clown or in clown shoes suggests feeling unhappy with who you are or how you’re acting now. You want to change something about yourself or your mood.
An evil clown dream means feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or enemies. You worry about lacking control in your life. Something or someone is stifling your real emotions.