Dreaming about eating poop is..let’s put it this way – really weird. It’s definitely one of the strangest dreams you can have. But as you probably already know, dreams are incredibly symbolic.
Eating poop in a dream could mean something isn’t right in your life, but you keep doing it anyway. Or it could represent lies or mistakes you’re making. In some cases, it could even mean good luck coming your way!
The Symbolism of Poop In Dreams
In dreams, poop can symbolize that it’s time for a change in your life. Maybe there are some old ways of thinking or habits you need to get rid of to make space for positive growth. So in a way, poop represents something dirty, unclean, or unhealthy that you need to let go of.
In some cultures, however, poop is actually considered a lucky symbol. It’s probably because poop comes from eating, some people associate it with money. Though where exactly that link between poop and money comes from is still a mystery to me! In some cases, dreaming of poop means money.
Spiritual Meaning
Spiritually speaking, a dream about eating your poop means you have some bad habits hurting your health. It’s something you know you shouldn’t do, but you do it anyway. Now you’re so used to it, you can’t imagine life without it – even though you know how bad it can be or how much it affects your life.
Say you broke up with someone toxic, but can’t stop thinking about them or contacting them. That’s like eating poop – you’re taking in something not good for you. Or maybe you keep drinking even though you know it could hurt your health. Or perhaps you keep thinking negative thoughts – you’re just feeding your mind things that are not pure.
This dream could also mean you or the people around you are letting bad things into your life that aren’t healthy.
Dreaming about eating your own poop can be a sign that you’re obsessed with money and things that look nice and expensive. You might be in the habit of borrowing cash to buy fancy clothes or stuff you really can’t afford, and that just digs you deeper into debt.
On the outside, you want to seem like you’re rich and have your finances together, but really, things aren’t so good. This dream could be your brain’s way of saying hey, watch out. Maybe it’s time to get better at managing your money. Spend only what you earn yourself instead of borrowing all the time. And don’t trust everything that looks flashy – just because something sparkles doesn’t mean it’s worth it.
Lies And Deception
Dreaming about eating poop can also represent some shady things going on. It can mean you’ve been telling lies about people or having impure thoughts. Your mouth is literally “full of..well, poop.” Or it could mean someone has been feeding you a load of lies. It might also symbolize believing fake news on social media and TV. Or that somebody in your life hasn’t been straight with you.
Good Luck
Poop sometimes symbolizes money, so eating it could mean money is coming my way. It takes real guts to eat something as gross as poop, even if it’s just in a dream. So chances are you’ll soon start seeing the rewards from all your hard work. Or maybe you’ll overcome some difficult challenge and get paid. Or it could mean you’re about to take a risk that’ll end up paying off big time!
Other Interpretations
- If you dream about a baby eating poop, it means there are some lessons to be learned from past mistakes and that you might get a second chance at something.
- Dreaming about eating dog poop means you’ve got some fake friends around or someone who’s just trying to use you for their own gain. The dream is saying that someone wants you to believe all their lies. And dogs usually represent friendship, so eating their poop could mean losing trust in a friend or feeling distant from them emotionally.
- Having a dream where poop comes out of your mouth usually means you’ve been saying hurtful things to people. When something comes out of your mouth in a dream, it often represents the words you use to communicate. A poop can symbolize something harmful or unkind.
- Lastly, if you see someone else eating poop in a dream, it means they have bad intentions. And whatever bad things they did or said to hurt you or others will end up coming back to bite them somehow.
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