Did you know that scissors in dreams can actually mean something pretty interesting? Even though they’re just a common household item that most people don’t think twice about, scissors apparently used to have some deeper symbolic meaning for our ancestors.
They saw scissors as representing truth and power, which is interesting when you think about it. Whether you were stabbing with them, cutting things, saw them flying around or they were broken – it all has some hidden meaning.
Symbolism of Scissors
Scissors represent change, transitions, and endings. They indicate cutting ties with something or someone that’s been holding you back from moving ahead in life. Scissors can represent a positive change – getting rid of what’s been weighing you down or causing problems.
Scissors also relate to the cycle of life. Things end so new things can begin, just like seasons change. It’s a natural part of life’s rhythm. There’s an old belief that if a pregnant woman dreams about scissors, it means good fortune for her baby. The scissors apparently symbolize how her child will be “cut” from the womb into a new phase of life, and that transition will go smoothly.
Spiritual Meaning
Spiritually, a dream about scissors can represent severing ties with old relationships or past events that are no longer serving your highest good. You may feel restricted in a relationship where someone wants to control you. The scissors could symbolize that it’s time for a change so you can regain your freedom.
Dreams of scissors may also indicate it’s time to let go of material possessions and focus more on developing your intuition. People often dream of scissors when they’re too attached to physical things.
The dream could suggest releasing things that are distracting you, so you can prioritize what really matters – like your health or loved ones.
If you feel dependent on someone emotionally or like you’re chasing after them, the scissors may mean it’s time to cut that tie and trust that what’s meant for you will come. Become independent again by “cutting the rope” that was binding you to another person or situation.
Finding Them
Dreaming about finding scissors could mean that a time of healing and personal growth is coming up for you soon. You might need to trust yourself and let go of something or someone that isn’t good for you anymore. Cutting them out of your life could help you feel freer and more like your true self.
Finding scissors in your dream is kind of like your mind’s way of telling you it’s time to muster up the courage to finish something permanently. Maybe end a relationship or habit that’s not working out, or stop trying to change back a situation that can’t be fixed.
If you’ve been dreaming about broken scissors, it’s probably because something has been weighing on your mind. You might be worrying too much about losing someone or something important to you. You might be clinging too tight to a relationship and pushing the other person away without meaning to. When we try too hard to hold on, it has the opposite effect.
Those broken scissors are a sign you need to relax your grip a little. Pushing and trying with all your might isn’t always the best approach. Sometimes, the healthiest thing is to loosen up and let things flow more naturally.
Flying Scissors
Dreaming about flying scissors means you feel fearless and free. It means you should be more confident in decisions in your life. You may also need to forgive others more.
In old dream books, flying scissors mean you’re not fully committed to ending something. For example, if someone cheated on you but you keep going back to them instead of leaving for good.
You need to take control and cut ties with what’s holding you back. Since flying in dreams represents freedom of thought, flying scissors can also show wanting to break away from something or someone restricting you.
Being Stabbed
Dreaming about being stabbed with scissors can represent feeling emotionally rejected, hurt, or betrayed. Your subconscious is trying to tell you that something you care about may not be as meaningful as you think.
Using Them
Using scissors in a dream could mean that you feel ready to cut ties with something that’s been holding you back. Maybe it’s time to forgive someone and let the past stay in the past. Or it could be you’ve realized a certain situation just isn’t working for you anymore, and it’s time to start a new chapter. There’s something or someone you’re subconsciously ready to snip out of the picture and move forward without.
Killing Someone
A dream about killing someone with scissors represents a desire to cut away negative things in your life, like emotional wounds or unhealthy attachments. The person you killed could symbolize a part of yourself you want to change or let go of. Scissors are used for cutting, shaping, and trimming in real life. So, in the dream, they can mean you need change and transformation in your mind and life.
The dream may also indicate some conflict or tension with others that you feel needs to be resolved. It could show a desire to control or dominate someone who has caused you stress or frustration. However, killing in dreams usually symbolizes getting rid of unwanted parts of yourself or your situation. It’s not about actual violent feelings. The dream is calling on you to make changes so you can move forward positively in your life and relationships.
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