Do you want to know about finding your future partner? Well, astrology can actually give us some clues. In this guide, you can learn where you’ll meet them, when it will happen, even get a sense of what they’ll be like. The steps are very simple. Just follow my lead, and we’ll see what the stars have to say about your love life.
The Basics
In astrology, there are some clues about who you might end up with and where you’ll meet them. A few things they look at are your 7th and 5th house, and the planets Venus and Jupiter.
The 7th house is all about love and relationships. That one can give you an idea of who this person will be like, some of their traits. The 5th house is also about relationships but also covers things like having fun, taking trips, kids, and just expressing yourself.
Venus is the planet that represents love, romance, and beauty. Then Jupiter is linked to luck and things growing in your life.
Where You Will Meet Them
To start, head over to and enter your birth date, time, and location. Once you’ve got your birth chart, check where your 7th house is located.

For example, let’s look at someone born on May 17, 1992 at 2:00 am in Helsinki, Finland. Their 7th house is in the sign of Cancer.
Next up, we need to find the planetary ruler of that zodiac sign. For Cancer, that would be the Moon.
Now, let’s see where the Moon is placed in their chart. For this person, their Moon is in Scorpio in the 9th house. So their 7th house ruler is located in their 9th house.
The 9th house represents things like learning, long distance travel, religion and expansion. So there’s a good chance this individual will meet a partner while traveling or studying abroad. Maybe they’ll even go abroad for some type of therapy or religious studies and meet someone there.
Also, with the Moon in Scorpio, this relationship will likely be very deep. They’ll probably often discuss spiritual, philosophical or metaphysical topics. It’ll have a Scorpio vibe to it for sure.
Here’s another example – let’s say your 7th house is Virgo, and its ruler, Mercury, is in the 3rd house. That puts your 7th house ruler in the 3rd house. The 3rd house rules short-distance travel, siblings, communication, and thinking. So you may meet a future partner while taking a short trip, through a sibling, or via communication like apps, social media or chatting with someone in person.
When You’ll Meet Them
Did you know astrology can even predict when you’ll meet someone special? All you need is your birthdate, time, and location. Then head over to astro-seek’s search engine and do a few things.

First, select “Venus” as the transit planet. Choose “Conjunct” as the aspect. For the natal placement, pick your 7th house. This will show you dates when Venus forms a connection to that part of your birth chart related to partnerships.
Those dates are when you have a higher chance of meeting a potential partner or spouse!

Here are other alternatives to try:
- Jupiter conjunct 7th house
- Jupiter or Venus conjunct your 7th house ruler (from the example above, it would be the Moon)
Have you met that special someone yet? If so, was the date in your birth chart correct?