You may have heard of Helene Hadsell in relation to the Law of Attraction. Helene was a total champion in contests, showing how powerful human thoughts and intentions can be. She almost always won whatever competition she entered. These weren’t just small wins either – she also got things like a trip to Europe, cars, and even a whole house in Texas once! She was able to get anything she wanted in life. And no, she didn’t use any magic or spells. The only thing she needed was her mind.
It’s an amazing but also true story about this “normal” woman who started out just like you and me. Using just her belief and visualization, she earned herself thousands of awesome prizes. If she could do it, anyone can!

Helene devised an interesting technique that she ironically named Wish Craft, based on her ‘S.P.E.C.’ formula. Select It, Project It, Expect It, and Collect It. Basically, SPEC is a four-step process that, if you follow, it can help you get whatever you want in life.
She didn’t have to share it with anyone, but Helene was nice enough to tell everyone about it. Ever since I heard about her and this SPEC thing, my life has been different. And your life could start changing now, too, if you give it a try!
How Did It All Begin?

After reading Norman Vincent’s book The Power of Positive Thinking, Helene was really intrigued about how our thoughts can impact things. This was back in 1952, before we had the internet and all this information at our fingertips. She really had to use her intuition and just go off what she learned from that one book.
There were three things the author mentions in his book that Helene found particularly intriguing:
You can have anything you want.
Know what it is.
See yourself as already having it.
She was just thinking about all this one day when her husband John got home from work. He was excited to tell her about this big contest Coca-Cola was having to win an outboard motor. John was like, “Helen, wouldn’t it be awesome to win that thing?”
After hearing that, Helene went to the bedroom. She started picturing John out on the boat, having a great time. She could see the smile on his face and hear the waves and seagulls. Helene really believes that if you use all your senses – sight, sound, touch, everything – when you visualize something, you’re more likely to make it happen. And guess what – she ended up winning the motor! And that was just the beginning of her crazy lucky streak.
After winning once, she figured, why not give it another shot? And if lightning strikes twice, maybe it would strike a third or fourth time, too.
Helene just kept entering contests, racking up thousands in prizes – from a house to European vacations to all sorts of things around the home. She won things for the kitchen and garage, even a ton of books and electronics. You name it, she probably won it! But it wasn’t that she was obsessed or had nothing better to do. She realized that with enough determination, you can make anything happen. So why not use the power of positive thinking to your advantage?
As someone who loves metal detecting, I totally get the rush. As soon as you pull something cool from the dirt, you can’t help but want to see what else is buried out there. That must have been what Helene was thinking. She wanted more.
Helene’s S.P.E.C. Formula

Select It
The first step is all about Selection. With S standing for Select It, you need to start by really choosing what you want to go after. The clearer you can be, the better off you’ll be.
It’s like when you go online to buy a new pair of shoes. You don’t just say “send me some shoes” and leave it up to chance. No way! You take the time to pick out the exact style, size, color, and brand you’ve got your eye on.
Setting goals works the same way. If your goal is to save up a nice chunk of change, it’s not enough to just say “I want money”. You need to decide on a specific dollar amount. Maybe something like $20,000. And if losing weight is your target, don’t leave it vague with “I want to lose weight.” Nail down how many pounds, like 20 pounds, and set a timeframe, like by next March. Being super detailed is key, according to Helene’s S.P.E.C. method.
Project It
You know exactly what you want. Now comes the fun part – imagining you already have it. Even if you don’t have it yet or aren’t in that place, pretend you are. Really feel it. I know it sounds silly, but that thing you want is already out there somewhere, so you’re not creating it from scratch. You’re just attracting it to yourself. The car, the person, the house, the shoes, the phone – it already exists.
For example, picture yourself wearing those sweet new shoes. Really feel the joy of having them on your feet. Imagine your friends saying, “Nice shoes!”. Use all your senses to help sell the illusion. You can even get a little crazy with it – dance around, jump on the couch. Let that good feeling wash over you.
I wrote an article on how to act as if you already have it. Give it a read!
Expect It
If you really know what you want and can picture it clearly in your head, you should expect that thing to happen for sure. Be completely confident and excited about it, with no doubts at all about how, when or even if you’ll get it.
Think of it like ordering something online. You chose what you wanted, now you’re just waiting for the delivery. You don’t question whether it will actually arrive. You expect it because you know it’s coming.
It might show up soon, or it could take a while, but one thing’s for certain – the more you feel like you already have what you want, the faster it will come to you. Basically, just truly believe your request is on its way. Don’t leave any room for maybes or what-ifs. Be certain it’s coming.
Collect It
Helene’s formula has one last step – receiving what you asked for. When you receive it, be ready and willing to accept it. Make sure to express your thanks and show appreciation for what you received.
The more grateful you are, the more you’ll have to feel grateful for. Once what you want arrives, feel thankful because being thankful attracts even more great things into your life. An attitude of gratitude is like a magnet for wonderful opportunities and experiences.
Helene Hadsell Quotes

- “Never entertain doubts. This nullifies all good, strong, powerful, positive currents.”
- “Select it, project it, expect it, collect it.”
- “I was convinced that if enough positive mental energy is sent out, things eventually manifest in the physical.”
- “All things come to him who wants.”
- “The only competition you ever have is with yourself. That’s when you doubt yourself.”
- “Everyone has a different idea of what success is.”
- “Learn how you can play the game of life using positive thinking to win.”
- “No braggin’ before baggin’.”
- “As you develop positive thinking, success replaces failure until you can no longer fail.”

Helene has really achieved amazing things. If you want to find out more about what she’s accomplished and how she does it, you should definitely check out her books or listen to some of her YouTube videos. Her words will really motivate you and give you the push you need to get closer to your own goals.
I’ve tried following her techniques myself and still do it today. At first it seems kind of silly to act like you don’t have what you want yet. But the more you truly believe in yourself, the faster everything will start coming together. I can’t explain how – it just happens!
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