Animal totems are a representation of animals that are guides or messengers from the animal kingdom. They can help us understand our behavior and our place in the universe. They connect with us on a soul level and help us to understand ourselves and our purpose in this life.
Native Americans believe that animals have much to teach us as they are messengers of the Great Spirit. For me personally, the totem animal represents the best parts of myself, and they are here to help me with any situation.
Types of Animal Totems
There are three types of animal totems:
A Journey Totem that is with you for a period or phase of your life, perhaps anywhere from a week to a year.
A Visiting Totem who comes briefly with a message for the moment. It could be like a gentle nudge or a slap in the face calling us to awaken to a certain situation.
A Shadow Totem is an animal that you may initially fear. They represent the hidden side of yourself and will soon become your allies after certain initiations allow you to overcome your fears.

List of Animal Totems And Their Meanings
Bear | Bear is known for its period of hibernation. Bear can help us with the ability to turn inward to access our strength and honor our natural cycles. He teaches us when it is time to act and when it is time to be still. |
Beaver | Beaver has an amazing ability to build and create. Beavers can help you solve problems by creating solid solutions |
Buffalo or Bison | Buffalo brings abundance and healing. The buffalo is sacred to Native American people. |
Cougar | A symbol of power. Cougar responds to any challenge with swiftness and teaches you to balance your own. |
Coyote | Coyote is known as the trickster. He calls on us to look truthfully at ourselves and our behavior. |
Crow | A messenger and a keeper of sacred law who sees with a unified eye (non-duality). |
Deer | Deer is alert and a symbol of sensitivity and kindness. |
Dolphin | Dolphins are messengers between water and the sky. They are playful and intelligent. They bring the message of harmony and balance. |
Eagle | A symbol of freedom and perspective. As a representation of the great spirit, the eagle carries our prayers to the sky. He teaches us to fly and soar high. |
Elk | Elk teaches about stamina and the importance of pacing yourself, enabling you to complete your chosen task successfully. |
Fox | Fox is cunning and clever. Since fox moves with the utmost discretion, it teaches us to slow down and observe. |
Frog | Assists with the cleansing of our emotions. With the element of water, the frog shows us how to start afresh. |
Hawk | A symbol of observation and awareness. |
Horse | Represents strength and freedom. Horse teaches us how to use our power gracefully. |
Mole | A mole explores below the surface by digging a little deeper. Therefore, he helps us with our subconscious minds. A mole will help you explore the hidden parts of yourself. |
Moose | Moose teaches us to be proud of our accomplishments. |
Otter | Otter is the master at enjoying life. Otter is playful and chatty and reminds us that play is an important aspect of enjoying our lives fully. |
Owl | Represents wisdom. Owl has an amazing vision bringing the gift of insight. |
Rabbit | A symbol of fertility. Rabbits help us reveal our hidden talents. |
Raven | Raven is the messenger from the spirit world. He represents mystery and secrets. |
Snake | The snake symbolizes transformation and the shedding of one’s skin. |
Spider | Shows us the connection of all life through the power of its web. |
Squirrel | Squirrel is prepared for anything that life may present. They are extremely adaptable and teach us to trust that with preparation, our own life will be simple and safe. |
Turtle | Turtle is protected by her shell. She represents mother earth to some tribes. |
Whale | Whales are the record keepers of the ocean. They bring us the gift of telepathy and teach us the value of sound. |
Wolf | Wolf is a great teacher. He helps you find the answers within yourself. Associated with the moon, the wolf will help you develop your intuition. |
How Do I Know What Is My Totem Animal?
Your totem animal is the animal that feels like it’s a part of you. It’s the animal you resonate with most strongly, and that feels like it’s always been with you and will always be with you. You may even feel like they are part of your soul—of who you are.
Totem animals come through to people in many ways, including:
Seeing a particular animal all the time, i.e., in books, when you are out walking, on anywhere else. For example, my animal totem is a fox, and I started to realize this when one day, a little fox appeared in my garden and was coming there repeatedly for several months.
Having a favorite animal or one that you are particularly drawn to, especially when going on spiritual journeys. Some people experience an improvement in mood or a sense of calm and tranquility when they see a specific animal, even if it’s just in a picture, video, or TV.
Final Words
You can call on the power of a particular animal to assist you in any area of your life. For example, if you would like assistance bringing abundance into your life, call on buffalo. If you want to appreciate yourself more and be more proud of all that you have achieved, call the moose.
Follow your intuition and look for signs from the universe to connect with your totem animal. The more you respect and honor your connection with your totem animal, the stronger it will become.
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