Precious stones or gems are polished pieces of mineral crystals or non-mineral crystals (pearls, corals, amber, etc.) that are commonly used for astrological purposes. It is a very well-known fact that these stones have an important position in astrology and numerology because of their power to channel and control different energies and their sources. This concept is not modern propaganda, but rather a concept that was practiced by the ancient civilizations, and the very concept of planetary connection with gemstones derives from Vedas or Vedic System. On our noble quest to explain how the connection between numerology and precious stones work, here are four things you should know.
Why Should You Use Precious Stones?
Here is the answer. Multiple properties have an impact on what kind of stone you are using to balance out the energies within your being due to planetary position and its influence on your Zodiac. Properties like hardness, color shade, mineral family, crystal system, chemical element, and inclusion are crucial in astrology and numerology for finding a perfect crystal. For instance, Moldavite is one of the most powerful crystals in numerology you can work with, and it is known as a crystal of transformation. This crystal has been found in caves and was used by ancient civilizations for making talismans, amulets, and adoring figures. People who have been working with Moldavite experienced immense changes in their lives as this crystal has the power to transform and synergize the spiritual and outer world. By buying Moldavite and holding it in your hands for the first time, you will be able to feel its energy since the heart chakra and upper chakra are instantly activated. However, this precious stone can be a bit too much for sensitive people.
Birth Date and Precious Stones
Besides the basics that these stones should be worn in direct contact with skin and that they can be substituted with the stones that are the closest to them, it is important to know that precious stones in numerology are picked based on the birth date. Therefore:
- The date of birth 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th: The recommended precious stone for people born on this date is ruby. It is suggested that ruby has the power to enhance the spirit of leaders in people born in the sign associated with the Sun. There are also other recommended stones like Topaz and Sapphire.
- The date of birth 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th: The favorable stone for people born on these days is Pearl. Pearl has the power to enhance and bring together all innovative skills together, and boost your creativity.
- The date of birth 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th: Yellow Sapphire.
- The date of birth 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st: Since these numbers are ruled by Rahu, the recommended stones are Light blue Sapphire and Gomed.
- The date of birth 5th, 14th, and 23rd: Planet ruled by Mercury and the best pick is Emerald.
- The date of birth 6th, 15th, and 24th: Diamond. But there are some alternatives and these are Aquamarine, Cat’s Eye, and Moonstone.
- The date of birth 7th, 16th, and 25th: A Perfect pick is Cat’s eye which has the power to bring together all acquisitions all around the world.
- The date of birth 8th, 17th, and 26th: Blue Sapphire.
- The date of birth 9th, 18th, and 27th: Numbers ruled by Mars, hence, Red Coral is the most suitable one.
Cosmic Structure
The cosmic structure of your birth date is the main criteria for choosing a perfect crystal for you. Precious stones can have a positive impact on the most important segments of your life like health, love, career, education, business, etc. The cosmic structure of your natal card defines your physical, karmic, emotional, and spiritual self. However, sometimes other cosmic structures influence imbalance within your perfect inner order, and that is the moment when these stones bring all the pieces together.
Consult A Professional
It is difficult to make a perfect pick of the stone for your specific self, and it is mandatory to consult a professional, otherwise, you can make more damage than it originally was. Namely, by using the wrong precious stone you can enhance the wrong house of your zodiac and therefore create a huge imbalance within your life.
It is not a myth that gemstones are important for astrology and numerology and that they are believed to be channels of great energy. However, it means nothing if the wrong pick is made. Therefore, make sure that you possess the one that is most suitable for you and that your stone is a real one.